Anais brasileiros de dermatologia
Linear immunoglobulin A dermatosis is a rare autoimmune bullous disease, but the most common autoimmune bullous dermatosis in children. We report a typical exuberant case of linear IgA dermatosis in a ten-month old child, who showed good response to treatment with corticosteroids and dapsone.
Prevalence of tattoos is around 10-26% in men and 10-22% in women, and can involve negative effects such as: regret, removal attempts, physical and biological changes of the skin and association with some viral diseases. ⋯ The population studied had a high prevalence of tattoos for their age, the percentage of complex (large and polychromatic) tattoos was also high.
Impetigo herpetiformis is a rare dermatosis of pregnancy with typical onset during the last trimester of pregnancy and rapid resolution in the postpartum period. Clinically and histologically, it is consistent with pustular psoriasis. This similarity has led some authors to name the disease "the pustular psoriasis of pregnancy". We report the case of a patient who developed impetigo herpetiformis in two successive pregnancies.
Lucio's phenomenon represents a serious cutaneous necrotizing reaction, which can occur with Lucio's leprosy and also in other forms of lepromatous leprosy. The authors discuss the case of a 63-year-old male patient presenting with ulcers and necrotic cutaneous lesions on the limbs, torso and face, associated with recurring sinusitis, hoarseness and a weight loss of 25 kilos over the last year. ⋯ The chosen treatment was exclusively multibacillary multidrug therapy, resulting in important dermatological improvement after one month of therapy. The authors present an impressive case of Lucio's phenomenon with an exceptional response to treatment exclusively with multibacillary multidrug therapy.