Anais brasileiros de dermatologia
Comparative Study
Efficacy of gabapentin in the improvement of pruritus and quality of life of patients with notalgia paresthetica.
notalgia paresthetica is a subdiagnosed sensory neuropathy presenting as a condition of intense itching and hyperchromic macule on the back that interferes with daily habits. ⋯ Gabapentin is a good option for the treatment of severe itching caused by nostalgia paresthetica.
Measuring the quality of life measure of patients with dermatologic diseases is an important concern. The instruments to evaluate it are commonly originally written in English and need to be translated and validated to be used in different cultures. ⋯ The Skindex-29 quality of life questionnaire was properly translated and validated to Brazilian Portuguese.
The record of the first cases of leprosy in Rio de Janeiro dates from the seventeenth century. The first local host of leprosy patients was created from 1741, and the first colonies hospitals were built in the early twentieth century, in order to avoid contagion of the population. The first structures dedicated to research also date from this time: the Leprosy International Institute, the Leprology Institute, and the Leprosy Laboratory of the Oswaldo Cruz Foundation, where the most prestigious leprologists of Rio de Janeiro worked. Currently, investigations are focused on the Oswaldo Cruz Foundation; additionally, leprosy patients are treated at municipal health centers and state hospitals, and former colony hospitals only accept patients with severe disabilities.
We report the case of a 47-year-old homeless male with a massive infestation of Pediculus humanus corporis on his entire body. Dermoscopy helped to diagnose pediculosis by showing the involvement of scalp, beard and the genital region in this disease.
Cutis verticis gyrata is characterized by excessive formation of scalp skin. It may be primary (essential and nonessential) or secondary. In the primary essential form it presents only folding skin formation on the scalp, mimicking cerebral gyri, without associated comorbidities. We report a rare case of a 28 year-old male patient with primary essential cutis verticis gyrata.