Revista latino-americana de enfermagem
Rev Lat Am Enfermagem · Jan 2021
Cultural adaptation of the Glamorgan Scale to Brazilian Portuguese: Pressure Injury in Pediatrics.
to describe the methodological process of cultural adaptation of the Glamorgan Scale to Brazilian Portuguese. ⋯ the Glamorgan Scale was translated and culturally adapted to Brazilian Portuguese. Future psychometric studies are necessary to validate the scale.
Rev Lat Am Enfermagem · Jan 2021
Validity and reliability of the Brazilian version of the Patient Dignity Inventory (PDI - Br).
to perform the psychometric validation of the Brazilian version of the Patient Dignity Inventory (PDI - Br) in patients with advanced diseases in palliative care. ⋯ composed of three domains and 25 items, the PDI - Br instrument presented satisfactory psychometric properties for its use in our environment, through the evidence of validity and reliability.
Rev Lat Am Enfermagem · Sep 2020
Factors associated with the use and reuse of face masks among Brazilian individuals during the COVID-19 pandemic.
to identify the factors associated with the use and reuse of masks among Brazilian individuals in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic. ⋯ virtually all the participants reported the use of masks, most frequently fabric masks. The findings draw attention to a risky practice, that of reusing surgical and paper masks. Therefore, guidelines, public policies, and educational strategies are needed to promote the correct use of masks to control and prevent COVID-19.
Rev Lat Am Enfermagem · Jan 2020
Factors related to the patient safety climate in an emergency hospital.
to verify the relationship between the socio-demographic and work profile of the nursing professionals and the patient safety climate in a public emergency hospital. ⋯ identifying predictors on patient safety scores is an important management tool that allows diagnosing, planning and executing activities from the domains that need to be improved.
Rev Lat Am Enfermagem · Jan 2020
Efficacy of the complementary therapies in the management of cancer pain in palliative care: A systematic review.
to synthesize the knowledge and to critically evaluate the evidences arising from randomized controlled trials on the efficacy of the complementary therapies in the management of cancer pain in adult patients with cancer in palliative care. ⋯ while the evidence from the studies evaluating the use of massage therapy or the use of progressive muscle relaxation and guided imaging for the management of cancer pain in these patients demonstrated significant benefits, the other two studies that evaluated the use of acupuncture as a complementary therapy showed contradictory results, therefore, needing more research studies to elucidate such findings.