Revista latino-americana de enfermagem
Rev Lat Am Enfermagem · Jan 2021
Cultural adaptation of the Glamorgan Scale to Brazilian Portuguese: Pressure Injury in Pediatrics.
to describe the methodological process of cultural adaptation of the Glamorgan Scale to Brazilian Portuguese. ⋯ the Glamorgan Scale was translated and culturally adapted to Brazilian Portuguese. Future psychometric studies are necessary to validate the scale.
Rev Lat Am Enfermagem · Jan 2021
Validity and reliability of the Brazilian version of the Patient Dignity Inventory (PDI - Br).
to perform the psychometric validation of the Brazilian version of the Patient Dignity Inventory (PDI - Br) in patients with advanced diseases in palliative care. ⋯ composed of three domains and 25 items, the PDI - Br instrument presented satisfactory psychometric properties for its use in our environment, through the evidence of validity and reliability.