Zhonghua yu fang yi xue za zhi [Chinese journal of preventive medicine]
At the time of the 40th anniversary of the Alma-Ata Declaration, the World Health Organization member states signed the Declaration of Astana. From Health For All to Universal Health Coverage, primary health care is consistantly identified as the key to achieving human health, and preventive services are critical and central component of primary health care. China has provided valuable experience for primary health care to countries around the world. ⋯ Chronic diseases have become major burden of disease. System development and institution building, health service delivery system development, and the entire society of the country with large population are encountering new and serious challenges. On the basis of reviewing the development of preventive medical services in China for 40 years, Authors analyzes strengths and weaknesses of preventive services in China and looks forward to the challenges and opportunities in the coming decades, from perspective of primary, secondary and tertiary prevention strategies, and proposes suggestions for future development.