The lancet oncology
The lancet oncology · Jul 2013
ReviewSubsequent neoplasms of the CNS among survivors of childhood cancer: a systematic review.
Childhood cancer survivors are at risk for development of subsequent neoplasms of the CNS. Better understanding of the rates, risk factors, and outcomes of subsequent neoplasms of the CNS among survivors of childhood cancer could lead to more informed screening guidelines. Two investigators independently did a systematic search of Medline and Embase (from January, 1966, through March, 2012) for studies examining subsequent neoplasms of the CNS among survivors of childhood cancer. ⋯ The quality of evidence was limited by variation in study design, heterogeneity of details regarding treatment and outcomes, limited follow-up, and small sample sizes. We conclude that survivors of childhood cancer who received cranial radiation therapy have an increased risk for subsequent CNS neoplasms. The current literature is insufficient to comment about the potential harms and benefits of routine screening for subsequent CNS neoplasms.
The lancet oncology · Jul 2013
ReviewSubsequent neoplasms of the CNS among survivors of childhood cancer: a systematic review.
Childhood cancer survivors are at risk for development of subsequent neoplasms of the CNS. Better understanding of the rates, risk factors, and outcomes of subsequent neoplasms of the CNS among survivors of childhood cancer could lead to more informed screening guidelines. Two investigators independently did a systematic search of Medline and Embase (from January, 1966, through March, 2012) for studies examining subsequent neoplasms of the CNS among survivors of childhood cancer. ⋯ The quality of evidence was limited by variation in study design, heterogeneity of details regarding treatment and outcomes, limited follow-up, and small sample sizes. We conclude that survivors of childhood cancer who received cranial radiation therapy have an increased risk for subsequent CNS neoplasms. The current literature is insufficient to comment about the potential harms and benefits of routine screening for subsequent CNS neoplasms.
The lancet oncology · Jul 2013
Review Meta AnalysisDepression and anxiety in long-term cancer survivors compared with spouses and healthy controls: a systematic review and meta-analysis.
Cancer survival has improved in the past 20 years, affecting the long-term risk of mood disorders. We assessed whether depression and anxiety are more common in long-term survivors of cancer compared with their spouses and with healthy controls. ⋯ None.
The lancet oncology · Jul 2013
Review Meta AnalysisDepression and anxiety in long-term cancer survivors compared with spouses and healthy controls: a systematic review and meta-analysis.
Cancer survival has improved in the past 20 years, affecting the long-term risk of mood disorders. We assessed whether depression and anxiety are more common in long-term survivors of cancer compared with their spouses and with healthy controls. ⋯ None.
The lancet oncology · Jul 2013
ReviewExtracranial rhabdoid tumours: what we have learned so far and future directions.
Extracranial rhabdoid tumours are rare, and often occur in infants. Although the kidney is the most common site, they can occur anywhere in the body. Most contain a biallelic inactivating mutation in SMARCB1, which is part of the chromatin remodelling complex SWI/SNF, and functions as a classic tumour suppressor gene. ⋯ The young age of patients limits use of radiotherapy, which, along with age, is an important prognostic factor. Because the tumours are rare, no standard therapeutic pathway exists, and no randomised trials have examined the role of new therapeutic approaches. Improved understanding of the biology and role of SMARCB1 has enabled identification of new targets for small molecule inhibitors to combine with chemotherapy backbones that we might establish from the current EpSSG and COG studies.