The lancet oncology
Use of smokeless tobacco products is common worldwide, with increasing consumption in many countries. Although epidemiological data from the USA and Asia show a raised risk of oral cancer (overall relative risk 2.6 [95% CI 1.3-5.2]), these are not confirmed in northern European studies (1.0 [0.7-1.3]). Risks of oesophageal cancer (1.6 [1.1-2.3]) and pancreatic cancer (1.6 [1.1-2.2]) have also increased, as shown in northern European studies. ⋯ Smokeless tobacco products are a major source of carcinogenic nitrosamines; biomarkers of exposure have been developed to quantify exposure as a framework for a carcinogenesis model in people. Animal carcinogenicity studies strongly support clinical results. Cancer risk of smokeless tobacco users is probably lower than that of smokers, but higher than that of non-tobacco users.
The lancet oncology · Jun 2008
ReviewIncidence, aetiology, and outcomes of cancer in Indigenous peoples in Australia.
An assessment of recent data on cancer in Indigenous Australians (Aborigines and Torres Strait Islanders) shows that, although they are less likely to have some types of cancer than other Australians, Indigenous people are significantly more likely to have cancers that have a poor prognosis, but are largely preventable, such as lung and liver cancer. Indigenous people with cancer are diagnosed at a later stage, are less likely to receive adequate treatment, and are more likely to die from their cancers than other Australians. ⋯ Health-risk factors, especially smoking, and inadequate health-system performance largely explain the patterns of cancer incidence and mortality in areas with adequate data. Effective tobacco control programmes, improvements across a range of health services, and meaningful Indigenous engagement are all needed to decrease the burden of cancer in Indigenous Australians.
The lancet oncology · Jun 2008
Review Meta AnalysisManagement of venous thromboembolism in patients with advanced cancer: a systematic review and meta-analysis.
Venous thromboembolism is common in patients with cancer. However, no management guidelines exist for venous thromboembolism specific to patients with advanced progressive cancer. To help develop recommendations for practice, we have done a comprehensive review of anticoagulation treatment in patients with cancer, with particular focus on studies that included patients with advanced disease. ⋯ The optimum treatment duration is unclear, but because the prothrombotic tendency will persist in patients with advanced cancer, indefinite treatment is generally recommended. For patients with contraindications to anticoagulation, inferior-vena-caval filters can be considered, but their use needs careful patient selection. Ultimately, the decision to initiate, continue, and stop anticoagulation will need to be made on an individual basis, guided by the available evidence, the patient's circumstances, and their informed preferences.
The lancet oncology · May 2008
Review Comparative StudyCancer disparities in indigenous Polynesian populations: Māori, Native Hawaiians, and Pacific people.
Polynesia consists of several islands that are scattered across a vast triangle in the Pacific, and include New Zealand, Hawaii, and the Pacific islands. There are reported differences in the types of cancer and epidemiologies seen among communities in these islands, the reasons for which are diverse and complex. ⋯ Additionally, we document the current knowledge of the underlying biology of cancers in these populations, and report risk factors that differ between ethnicities, including smoking, viral infections, and obesity. Disparities in measures of health are highlighted, as are evident differences in knowledge of tumour biology and cancer management between majority and minority populations.
The lancet oncology · May 2008
ReviewImprovement of informed consent and the quality of consent documents.
Guidelines on informed consent intend to protect patients and promote ethical research conduct. To give informed consent, individuals should understand the purpose, process, risks, benefits, and alternatives to research (or a proposed clinical intervention) and make a free, voluntary decision about whether to participate. Many participants have incomplete understanding of various features of clinical trials. ⋯ Here, we analyse the written consent form, particularly in the context of clinical research, and the discussions that take place between clinician or investigator and patient. We review strategies to improve consent forms, particularly the use of plain language. Recommendations are made on discussions between investigator and patient to improve participant comprehension and satisfaction with the informed-consent process.