Journal of biomedical informatics
The workflow models of the patient journey in a Pediatric Emergency Department (PED) seems to be an effective approach to develop an accurate and complete representation of the PED processes. This model can drive the collection of comprehensive quantitative and qualitative service delivery and patient treatment data as an evidence base for the PED service planning. Our objective in this study is to identify crowded situation indicators and bottlenecks that contribute to over-crowding. ⋯ This modeling, which has to represent most faithfully possible the reality of the PED of CHRU of Lille, is necessary. It must be detailed enough to produce an analysis allowing to identify the dysfunctions of the PED and also to propose and to estimate prevention indicators of crowded situations. Our survey is integrated into the French National Research Agency (ANR) project, titled: "Hospital: Optimization, Simulation and avoidance of strain" (HOST).
Structured data on mammographic findings are difficult to obtain without manual review. We developed and evaluated a rule-based natural language processing (NLP) system to extract mammographic findings from free-text mammography reports. ⋯ Our NLP system successfully extracts clinically useful information from mammography reports. Moreover, SAS is a feasible platform for implementing NLP algorithms.