Journal of pain & palliative care pharmacotherapy
J Pain Palliat Care Pharmacother · Dec 2024
Intravenous Magnesium Sulfate as an Adjunct to Intravenous Ketamine for Acute Pain: A Case Series.
Intravenous (IV) magnesium sulfate, a versatile electrolyte, plays a pivotal role across various medical domains. From cardiac care to obstetrics, gastrointestinal to pulmonary therapies, the impact is far-reaching among acute care services. ⋯ This case series describes the difficulties experienced with postoperative analgesia in three patient cases with complex comorbidities and discusses the beneficial impact observed when magnesium was administered concomitantly with ketamine. Further research is necessary to outline the specific role, ideal population, and recommended bolus and infusion rate for optimal analgesic efficacy.
J Pain Palliat Care Pharmacother · Dec 2024
ReviewDeafferentation in Pain Medicine: A Narrative Review of Mechanisms and Management.
Deafferentation is an umbrella term that includes several clinical conditions. The exact mechanism is not yet known, and the different clinical conditions do not necessarily share common pathophysiology. It includes both non-painful and painful conditions, including cancer pain conditions. ⋯ This type of pain is typically opioid-nonresponsive, but some patients may benefit. Neuronal destructive procedures are indicated for brachial plexus avulsion injuries. Spinal cord stimulation, dorsal root entry zone rhizotomy, deep brain thalamic stimulation, and motor cortex stimulation have been suggested for the management of the complex clinical conditions under the umbrella of deafferentation.
J Pain Palliat Care Pharmacother · Dec 2024
Case Report: Buprenorphine for Palliation in a Patient with End Stage Renal Disease.
End stage renal disease (ESRD) is known to be associated with pain, malaise and decreased quality of life. Pain management in the setting of dialysis is particularly challenging from a pharmacologic standpoint given altered pharmacokinetics of pain medications. ⋯ In this case report, we demonstrated buprenorphine buccal film (Belbuca) as a safe and effective opioid treatment option for pain palliation in a dialysis dependent patient. Future studies may be warranted with larger sample size and longer follow up period to study the effect of buprenorphine in the setting of hemodialysis and non-dialysis dependent ESRD population.