Articles: analgesics.
Anesthesia and analgesia · Nov 2024
Meta AnalysisDoes Nociception Level Index-Guided Opioid Administration Reduce Intraoperative Opioid Consumption? A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis.
The nociception level (NOL) index is a quantitative parameter derived from physiological signals to measure intraoperative nociception. The aim of this systematic review and meta-analysis was to evaluate if NOL monitoring reduces intraoperative opioid use compared to conventional therapy (opioid administered at clinician discretion). ⋯ This meta-analysis does not provide evidence supporting the role of NOL monitoring in reducing intraoperative opioid consumption.
Acta Anaesthesiol Scand · Nov 2024
ReviewOpioids and personalized analgesia in the perioperative setting: A protocol for five systematic reviews.
Treatment with opioids is a mainstay in perioperative pain management. While the leading treatment paradigm has been procedure-specific pain management, efforts regarding personalized pain treatment are increasing. The OPI•AID project aims to develop personalized algorithms for perioperative pain management, taking demographic, surgical, and anaesthesiologic factors into account. We will undertake five parallel reviews to illuminate current evidence on different aspects of individual responses to perioperative opioid treatment. ⋯ These reviews will evaluate various aspects of perioperative opioid treatment, including individualized treatment strategies, selection of specific opioids, and individual patient responses. These will guide future development of a personalized perioperative opioid treatment algorithm (OPI•AID) that will be validated and tested clinically against standard of care.
Minerva anestesiologica · Nov 2024
ReviewMultimodal analgesic strategies in polytraumatized patients.
In recent years, the resuscitation of trauma patients has improved; however, pain related to trauma remains associated with systemic complications. In trauma patients, pain should be considered a vital sign, and its control is crucial for reducing complications, improving patient satisfaction, and enhancing the quality of life. ⋯ In this review, we offer the reader an updated general framework of the various approaches available for pain treatment in polytraumatized patients, with a focus on the opportunities presented by regional anesthesia. We will examine different types of locoregional anesthesia blocks and describe ultrasonographic execution techniques.
Gabapentin, a widely prescribed medication for various neuropathic pain conditions, has demonstrated efficacy in managing diverse neurological disorders. While conventional side effects are well-documented, a growing body of evidence suggests the existence of atypical side effects, necessitating comprehensive exploration. This paper aims to systematically review and summarize the literature on the atypical side effects of gabapentin, shedding light on manifestations beyond the conventional spectrum. ⋯ This comprehensive review highlights the diverse range of atypical side effects associated with gabapentin use, expanding beyond conventional knowledge. Healthcare practitioners must be cognizant of these manifestations, recognizing their potential impact on patient well-being. As clinical decision-making relies on a thorough understanding of a medication's side effect profile, this review contributes to enhancing awareness and fostering informed practices in the prescription and management of gabapentin. Further research is warranted to elucidate the mechanisms and risk factors associated with these atypical side effects, refining our understanding of gabapentin's safety profile.
Acta Anaesthesiol Scand · Nov 2024
ReviewInhaled analgesics for the treatment of prehospital acute pain-A systematic review.
Many prehospital emergency patients receive suboptimal treatment for their moderate to severe pain. Various factors may contribute. We aim to systematically review literature pertaining to prehospital emergency adult patients with acute pain and the pain-reducing effects, adverse events (AEs), and safety issues associated with inhaled analgetic agents compared with other prehospital analgesic agents. ⋯ We found low-quality evidence suggesting that both MF and N2O are safe and may have a role in the management of pain in the prehospital setting. There is low-quality evidence to support MF as a short-acting single analgesic or as a bridge to IV access and the administration of other analgesics. There may be occupational health issues regarding the prehospital use of N2O.