Articles: palliative-care.
J Pain Symptom Manage · Jun 2021
Methodological reflections on the recruitment of adult child-parent dyads for end-of-life research in Germany: Experiences from the Dy@EoL study.
Although high-quality research with patients and family members is needed to improve palliative care, difficulties in recruitment are often reported. ⋯ The recruitment was more successful in inpatient than in ambulatory settings. The extension of recruitment partners was beneficial to recruit participants from ambulatory contexts. The inclusion of single participants was conducive as a great number of patients participated without their dyad partner. Sharing the obtained experiences can be helpful for future research planning.
J Pain Palliat Care Pharmacother · Jun 2021
ReviewSubstance Abuse Risk and Medication Monitoring in Patients with Advanced Lung Cancer Receiving Palliative Care.
Oncology and Palliative Medicine lack guidance on routine opioid risk screening and compliance monitoring. This study explored relationships among risk screening and aberrant medication related behaviors in patients with advanced lung cancer receiving embedded palliative care. This was a single center, prospective study and data was collected from December 2018 to March 2020. ⋯ After pharmacist review, aberrant baseline UDS results were confirmed for 5/11 (45.5%) positive-risk and 4/23 (17.4%) negative-risk patients (p = 0.11). Overall, the SOAPP-R alone may be inadequate in this population and clinical pharmacists play an important role in comprehensive UDS result interpretation. Future studies are needed to validate this risk-screening tool in palliative cancer populations.
Palliative medicine · Jun 2021
Randomized Controlled Trial Multicenter Study"Song of Life": Results of a multicenter randomized trial on the effects of biographical music therapy in palliative care.
Awareness for the importance of psychological and spiritual needs in patients with terminal diseases has increased in recent years, but randomized trials on the effects of psychosocial interventions are still rare. ⋯ Our findings provide evidence that "Song of Life" is an effective and meaningful biographical music therapy intervention to facilitate psycho-spiritual integration in terminally ill patients.
Objectives: Determine feasibility, acceptability, and preliminary effects of the Palliative Care Social Worker-led ALIGN (Assessing & Listening to Individual Goals and Needs) intervention in older persons admitted to Skilled Nursing Facility (SNF) and their caregivers. Design: A pilot pragmatic randomized stepped wedge design of ALIGN versus usual care in three SNFs. Setting and Participants: One hundred and twenty older adults and caregivers (optional) with advanced medical illnesses. ⋯ Further research is warranted to understand effects on caregivers and health care utilization. The current model for SNF does not address the palliative care needs of patients. ALIGN has potential to be an effective, scalable, acceptable, and reproducible intervention to improve certain palliative care outcomes within subacute settings.
To understand the experiences and perceptions of healthcare services of children with life-limiting and life-threatening conditions and their family members, including palliative care. ⋯ There is an urgent need to create a more child and family centred approach that enables palliative care to be truly integrated into the wider healthcare of children with life-limiting and life-threatening conditions. Trusted, interpersonal relationships with healthcare professionals, and more effective coordination of care are fundamental to achieving this, and should be valued and enabled throughout the healthcare system.