Articles: analgesia.
The inadequacies of conventional intramuscular opioid analgesia have fueled an expansion in the use of patient-controlled analgesia and epidural analgesia after surgery. This is not always accompanied by increased education and specialist supervision of ward staff and patients. ⋯ Frequent review of patients and regular education of ward staff by a specialist Pain Nurse have achieved a substantial reduction in side effects of epidural analgesia and improvement in efficacy of patient-controlled analgesia. We have shown that the advantages of patient-controlled analgesia can be largely negated by failure to address deficiencies in knowledge of pain management among ward staff and patients.
Randomized Controlled Trial Comparative Study Clinical Trial
Pain following craniotomy: a preliminary study comparing PCA morphine with intramuscular codeine phosphate.
We have performed a prospective randomised trial of 30 patients undergoing craniotomy to compare intramuscular codeine phosphate with patient-controlled analgesia using morphine 1 mg bolus with a 10-min lockout and no background infusion. For 24 h postoperatively, pain, nausea, Glasgow coma score, respiratory rate and sedation score were assessed. There was a wide variation in the amounts of morphine requested by the patients in the patient-controlled analgesia group in the first 24 h postoperatively (range 2-79 mg, median 17 mg). ⋯ There were no significant differences between the two groups in respect of nausea and vomiting, sedation score or respiratory rate. No major adverse effects were noted in either group. Patient-controlled analgesia with morphine is an alternative to intramuscular codeine phosphate in neurosurgical patients which merits further investigation.
Randomized Controlled Trial Comparative Study Clinical Trial
Postoperative analgesia and intraoperative inhalational anesthetic requirements during umbilical herniorrhaphy in children: postincisional local infiltration versus preincisional caudal epidural block.
To determine the postoperative analgesic efficacy of, and the effects on, intraoperative inhalational anesthetic requirements of preincisional caudal epidural block versus postincisional infiltration of local anesthetic following umbilical herniorrhaphy in children. ⋯ Preincisional caudal epidural block is more effective in controlling pain following umbilical herniorrhaphy than is postincisional local infiltration.
Anesthesia and analgesia · Dec 1996
Randomized Controlled Trial Clinical TrialMaternal posture influences the extent of sensory block produced by intrathecal dextrose-free bupivacaine with fentanyl for labor analgesia.
The cephalad extent of sensory block produced by intrathecal (IT) dextrose-free local anesthetics and opioids has been reported to be quite variable. Most reports describing the effects of IT analgesics do not control for patients posture. Because these medications are hypobaric relative to cerebrospinal fluid (CSF), parturients in a sitting position may develop greater cephalad extents of sensory block than those in a lateral position during IT injection. ⋯ Mean cephalad extent of block was greater in the sitting group at 20 and 30 min. When sensory block asymmetry was observed, the extent of block was greater on the nondependent side. Posture during IT injection of this dextrose-free analgesic combination affects extent of sensory block in laboring parturients.