Articles: hospital-emergency-service.
Randomized Controlled Trial Clinical Trial
Impact of the acute cardiac ischemia time-insensitive predictive instrument (ACI-TIPI) on the speed of triage decision making for emergency department patients presenting with chest pain: a controlled clinical trial.
Emergency department (ED) triage for acute cardiac ischemia in the primary teaching hospital in Geneva, Switzerland, is very accurate, but at the cost of very long ED stays. Thus, the authors sought: 1) to determine the impact of the acute cardiac ischemia time-insensitive predictive instrument (ACI-TIPI), incorporated into a computerized electrocardiograph, on length of stay and speed of triage decision making for ED patients presenting with symptoms suggesting acute cardiac ischemia, and 2) to study the ACI-TIPI's impact on physicians of different training levels. ⋯ For ED patients with acute cardiac ischemia evaluated by novice clinicians, the ACI-TIPI substantially speeded ED decision making and triage. The suggestion of an impact on different cardiac ischemia subgroups and mortality deserves further larger clinical trials.
Randomized Controlled Trial Multicenter Study Comparative Study Clinical Trial
Prehospital-initiated vs hospital-initiated thrombolytic therapy. The Myocardial Infarction Triage and Intervention Trial.
To determine the effect of prehospital-initiated vs hospital-initiated treatment of myocardial infarction on clinical outcome. ⋯ There was no improvement in outcome associated with initiating treatment before hospital arrival; however, treatment within 70 minutes of symptom onset--whether in the hospital or in the field--minimized the infarct process and its complications.
Randomized Controlled Trial Clinical Trial
Standardized instructions: do they improve communication of discharge information from the emergency department?
To determine whether standardized instructions enhance communication of discharge information, we provided 197 parents of children in whom otitis media was diagnosed with one of three types of instruction at the time of discharge from a pediatric emergency department: (1) instruction by individual housestaff and medical students after consultation with an attending physician (control group); (2) standardized verbal instructions given by housestaff and students trained in their use (verbal group); or (3) the same instructions given to the verbal group, together with a type-written copy of the information to take home (verbal + written group). Prior to leaving the emergency department and, again, by phone, 1 and 3 days later, parents were questioned concerning the prescribed medication's name, dose, frequency, and duration of administration (medication data), three signs of improvement, and eight signs indicating the need for medical advice (worrisome signs). ⋯ Information regarding medication data was more likely to be communicated to parents in all groups than were signs of improvement or worrisome signs. The addition of written instructions to standardized verbal instructions did not improve parental recall of discharge information.
Randomized Controlled Trial Clinical Trial
Preformatted charts improve documentation in the emergency department.
To determine if the use of programmed charts with complaint-specific entry criteria results in improved documentation of patient encounters and better clinical outcome. ⋯ Programmed charts improve documentation by facilitation of the documentation process and allow more time for patient-physician interaction. Quality of documentation alone, however, is not a reliable indicator of patient outcome or of the quality of care received.
Case Reports Randomized Controlled Trial Clinical Trial
Improving the use of early follow-up care after emergency department visits. A randomized trial.
To test the hypothesis that the appropriateness of parents' use of early follow-up care after emergency department (ED) visits can be improved by postvisit support from a nurse practitioner. ⋯ The nurse practitioner's intervention improved parents' use of follow-up care in our sample. Overall care for episodic ED users might be improved by similar interventions.