Articles: disease.
COVID-19 spreads easily between people who are in close contact, or through coughs and sneezes. As the number of cases continues to increase, healthcare workers (HCWs) are notably at risk as a result of frequency of contact with suspected cases or infected people. Use of infection prevention and control (IPC) strategies by HCWs is therefore important. We summarise the evidence from a rapid Cochrane qualitative evidence synthesis by Houghton et al. on barriers and facilitators to HCWs' adherence to IPC guidelines for respiratory infectious diseases.
Mayo Clinic proceedings · Jun 2020
Practice GuidelineUrgent Guidance for Navigating and Circumventing the QTc-Prolonging and Torsadogenic Potential of Possible Pharmacotherapies for Coronavirus Disease 19 (COVID-19).
As the coronavirus disease 19 (COVID-19) global pandemic rages across the globe, the race to prevent and treat this deadly disease has led to the "off-label" repurposing of drugs such as hydroxychloroquine and lopinavir/ritonavir, which have the potential for unwanted QT-interval prolongation and a risk of drug-induced sudden cardiac death. With the possibility that a considerable proportion of the world's population soon could receive COVID-19 pharmacotherapies with torsadogenic potential for therapy or postexposure prophylaxis, this document serves to help health care professionals mitigate the risk of drug-induced ventricular arrhythmias while minimizing risk of COVID-19 exposure to personnel and conserving the limited supply of personal protective equipment.
Minerva cardioangiologica · Jun 2020
Multicenter Study Comparative StudyThe attitude towards disease management programs in Austrian heart failure patients: a pilot study comparing rural and urban patients.
Disease Management Programs (DMPs) for heart failure (HF) patients have been developed to better control patients' well-being as well as their daily drug intake. DMPs for HF are not always accepted by the patients, and the reasons for this phenomenon are largely unknown. We hypothesized that patients from rural areas accept a DMP more likely than patients living in a big city. Thus, a pilot study investigated differences in the attitude towards DMPs between HF-patients in one rural and one urban hospital in Austria. ⋯ Structures of the health care system and patients' attitudes must be considered when planning DMPs. Development of DMPs which are accepted by urban patients will be relevant for the future.