Articles: disease.
Mayo Clinic proceedings · Jul 2023
Factors Associated With Sex Disparities in Leisure-Time Physical Activity: An Analysis of the Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System, 2011 to 2021.
To identify whether sex disparities in leisure-time physical activity (LTPA) vary across population subgroups. ⋯ Women are less likely than men to engage in LTPA. These disparities are greatest among the young and elderly, Black and Hispanic individuals, lower income and unemployed individuals, and individuals with cardiometabolic disease. Targeted interventions are needed to reduce sex-related disparities.
Observational Study
Incidence of diabetes following COVID-19 vaccination and SARS-CoV-2 infection in Hong Kong: A population-based cohort study.
The risk of incident diabetes following Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) vaccination remains to be elucidated. Also, it is unclear whether the risk of incident diabetes after Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) infection is modified by vaccination status or differs by SARS-CoV-2 variants. We evaluated the incidence of diabetes following mRNA (BNT162b2), inactivated (CoronaVac) COVID-19 vaccines, and after SARS-CoV-2 infection. ⋯ There was no evidence of increased risks of incident diabetes following COVID-19 vaccination. The risk of incident diabetes increased following SARS-CoV-2 infection, mainly type 2 diabetes. The excess risk was lower, but still statistically significant, for Omicron variants. Fully vaccinated individuals might be protected from risks of incident diabetes following SARS-CoV-2 infection.
The Veterans Health Administration (VHA) is in need of population health approaches to address overweight and obesity-related diseases. BMI serves as a simple, blunt metric to monitor these efforts. However, emerging research has demonstrated that healthcare weigh-ins contribute to weight stigma which paraodoxically is associated with weight gain. An alternative metric is urgently needed for VHA's MOVE!® Weight Management Program and other eating- and weight-related services. ⋯ Findings support the reliability and construct validity of the WE-QOL Scale. The WE-QOL Scale has potential to provide a standardized population health metric that could be used as a screening tool and clinical reminder to identify, refer, and assess outcomes for Veterans with weight and disordered eating issues. Future research could be targeted at using this measure to improve patient care and quality of care.
Southern medical journal · Jul 2023
Student Teaching in the Family Medicine Clerkship: Opportunities for Interactive Virtual Learning.
It often is challenging to deliver clerkship didactic sessions in a time-effective and engaging manner for learners. The flipped classroom approach, which fosters independent learning before applying knowledge in group settings, is an evidence-based way to enhance engagement and learning. Electronic learning methodologies were used widely during the coronavirus disease 2019 pandemic to ensure student safety while continuing didactics remotely. Student teaching of didactics delivers key content in innovative ways while also providing students with the opportunity to teach their peers. ⋯ Student-led teaching is beneficial to learners because it enhances engagement. It can be easily implemented and help reduce faculty burden for curricular development. In a distributed, community-based clinical model such as ours, electronic learning allows for coordinated teaching efforts across geographical boundaries.