Articles: back-pain.
Retrospective medical record review to assess compliance with low back pain (LBP) care indicators. ⋯ N/A.
To evaluate changes in pain intensity and activity limitation, at group and individual levels, and their associations with the global impression of change after multimodal rehabilitation in patients with back pain. ⋯ At group level, lower VAS ratings were found in patients with back pain. However, a large individual variability in pain and activity limitation was also found resulting in low to moderate associations between GIC and the change in VAS ratings. The large individual variability might be due to the impreciseness in the ratings on the VAS. We have presented a critical discussion of statistical methods in connection with the VAS. Implications for Rehabilitation The use of VAS as a rating instrument may be questioned, especially for perceived pain intensity which is a too complex experience to be rated on a line without any visible categories. Single ratings of pain intensity should preferably be complemented with the ratings of activity limitation in patients with long-term back pain. Global impression of change is a suggested inclusive rating after rehabilitation. The improvement desired by the patient should preferably be determined before rehabilitation.
Back injuries are a highly reported category of occupational injury in the health care setting. The daily clinical activities of an anesthesia provider, including lifting, pushing stretchers, transferring patients, and bending for procedures, are risk factors for developing low back pain. The purpose of this study is to investigate the prevalence of work related low back pain in anesthesia providers. ⋯ Nearly half of all anesthesia providers sampled suffer from low back pain subjectively attributed to their clinical practice. This leads to changes in work flow and missed days of work. The results of this study suggest a deficiency in the effectiveness of anesthesia training programs in teaching proper techniques to prevent musculoskeletal injuries.
Randomized Controlled Trial
A prospective randomized controlled study comparing the pain relief in patients with osteoporotic vertebral compression fractures with the use of vertebroplasty or facet blocking.
To compare the clinical and radiological outcomes of patients undergoing percutaneous vertebroplasty (PVP) versus those undergoing facet blocking (FB) for severe pain due to osteoporotic vertebral compression fractures (OVCFs). ⋯ PVP produced better pain relief than FB in the short term (≤1 week). However, the difference in pain-relief between these two techniques was insignificant in the long term (follow-up between 1 month and 12 months).