Articles: back-pain.
Bmc Musculoskel Dis · Jan 2012
Multicenter StudyClinical course, characteristics and prognostic indicators in patients presenting with back and leg pain in primary care. The ATLAS study protocol.
Low-back related leg pain with or without nerve root involvement is associated with a poor prognosis compared to low back pain (LBP) alone. Compared to the literature investigating prognostic indicators of outcome for LBP, there is limited evidence on prognostic factors for low back-related leg pain including the group with nerve root pain. This 1 year prospective consultation-based observational cohort study will describe the clinical, imaging, demographic characteristics and health economic outcomes for the whole cohort, will investigate differences and identify prognostic indicators of outcome (i.e. change in disability at 12 months), for the whole cohort and, separately, for those classified with and without nerve root pain. In addition, nested qualitative studies will provide insights on the clinical consultation and the impact of diagnosis and treatment on patients' symptom management and illness trajectory. ⋯ This prospective clinical observational cohort will combine self-reported data, comprehensive clinical and MRI assessment, together with qualitative enquiries, to describe the course, health care usage, patients' experiences and prognostic indicators in an adult population presenting in primary care with LBP and leg pain with or without nerve root involvement.
The objective is to develop an instrument that measures the extent of matching between patient communication preferences and physician communication behavior and takes various essential aspects of patient-provider communication into consideration. Furthermore we give a description of communication preferences and matching for chronic back pain patients. ⋯ The preference-matching scales allow areas to be identified in which physicians are not very successful in addressing the communication preferences of patients. With back pain patients, physicians should take particular consideration of the very great need for open communication and information about further treatment.
Randomized Controlled Trial
Comparison of spring-loaded, loss of resistance and hanging drop techniques in lumbar epidural blocks.
The spring-loaded syringe is a loss of resistance syringe that provide a more objective sign that the epidural space has been entered compared with the traditional techniques. The aim of this study was to compare the time required to locate the epidural space and the backache incidence with the spring-loaded (SL), loss of resistance (LOR) and the hanging drop (HD) techniques for epidural blocks in patients undergoing transurethral resection procedure. ⋯ The use of SL syringe was found to have a shorter time period to locate the epidural space when compared with the LOR syringe and hanging drop technique.
There is a lack of knowledge about the possible role of catastrophizing in lumbopelvic pain during and after pregnancy and in postpartum physical ability. ⋯ The common idea that levels of catastrophizing are "stable" within personality should be reconsidered, because for 1 of 3 women, the levels of catastrophizing changed over time. A majority of women reported not catastrophizing. However, catastrophizing in relation to pregnancy seems to be associated with lumbopelvic pain and postpartum physical ability. The results indicated that the role of catastrophizing in this context should be studied further.
Bmc Musculoskel Dis · Jan 2012
Reliability of the Multidimensional Pain Inventory and stability of the MPI classification system in chronic back pain.
This cross validation study examined the reliability of the Multidimensional Pain Inventory (MPI) and the stability of the Multidimensional Pain Inventory Classification System of the empirically derived subgroup classification obtained by cluster analysis in chronic musculoskeletal pain. Reliability of the German Multidimensional Pain Inventory was only examined once in the past in a small sample. Previous international studies mainly involving fibromyalgia patients showed that retest resulted in 33-38% of patients being assigned to a different Multidimensional Pain Inventory subgroup classification. ⋯ Test-retest reliability of the German Multidimensional Pain Inventory was moderate to good and comparable to other language versions. Multidimensional Pain Inventory subgroup classification is substantially stable in chronic back pain patients when compared to other diagnostic groups and other examiner-based subgroup Classification Systems. The MPI Classification System can be recommended for reliable and stable specification of subgroups in observational and interventional studies in patients with chronic musculoskeletal pain.