Articles: human.
Cardiac pain is a conscious experience that can be explored only indirectly with experimental approaches. The exact machanisms eliciting cardiac pain still remain obscure. The afferent fibres running in the cardiac sympathetic nerves are regarded as the essential pathway for the transmission of cardiac pain. ⋯ Ventricular sympathetic afferent fibres whether myelinated or unmyelinated, always possess some mechanosensitivity and respond to normal chemical and mechanical stimuli, thus displaying properties of polymodal receptors. Afferent vagal fibres may contribute to the mechanisms of cardiac nociception by modulating the threshold and characteristics of pain. Experimental studies identified three main mechanisms, which may be responsible for eliciting cardiac pain during ischemic periods in humans: a) nonphysiological motion of the ischemic left ventricular wall (bulging) and an excitation of mechanical receptors by passive stretching. b) The excitation of free sensory nerve endings by chemicals such as bradykinin, PGE(2), adenosin, histamin or potassium. c) A combination of a and b: algogenic chemicals may sensitize mechanical receptors and therefore lower their threshold for nociception.
In the report "Similarity of synthetic peptide from human tumor to parathyroid hormone in vivo and in vitro," by N. Horiuchi et al. (11 Dec., p. 1566), the caption for figure 1 was inadvertently omitted. The figure is reprinted below with the caption. [See Fig. 1. in Source PDF].
In repeated clinical studies a preponderance of pain syndromes on the left side of the body has frequently been observed. Experimental studies in humans revealed a lower pain threshold on the left, nondominant side. On the other hand, some studies do not confirm this lateralization. ⋯ For pain induced by pressure, lateral asymmetry increased with pain intensity, for the other two methods it was constant. Lateral asymmetry was found in all subjects, but significant differences could only be demonstrated in female Ss. It is concluded that both gender and handedness contribute to lateral asymmetry of pain sensitivity in man.
We examined the effects of cytidine (5?)-diphosphocholine (CDP-choline) on plasma levels of cytidine, choline, and unchanged CDP-choline among normal volunteers receiving the substance orally or intravenously, and rats receiving it intravenously. Two hours after a single oral dose (2g), plasma choline levels were increased by 48% and plasma cytidine by 136%. Among subjects receiving three doses (2g each) at two-hour intervals, plasma choline peaked (30% over baseline) 4 h after the initial CDP-choline dose, while plasma cytidine levels continued to increase for at lest 6 h, at which time they were five times basal levels (P < 0.01). ⋯ In rats given a bolus injection of CDP-choline, five minutes earlier, the unchanged compound was also undetectable in plasma, while plasma cytidine levels increased markedly and remained elevated for at least 60 min. These observations show that CDP-choline is converted to at least two major circulating metabolites, choline and cytidine. Since both of these compounds are used in the biosynthesis of phosphatidylcholine, both may be involved in the long-term effects of the CDP-choline.
Journal of motor behavior · Sep 1984
Motor programming: does the choice of the limb which is to carry out the response imply a delay?
In many activities, the human being must quickly decide on the response to be produced following a change in the environment. In some of these situations, the limb that the individual chooses to carry out a response seems to be a significant element in performance. Thus, if the individual carries out the response with the limb closest to the target, the performance can improve because it will take less time to achieve the goal. ⋯ In order to do so, the subjects performed a two choice reaction-time task. For this task, some subjects knew beforehand which hand they had to use to carry out the response while other subjects were unaware of this fact. The results of two experiments indicated that the choice of the limb which is to carry out the response requires no particular delay when the movement to be produced is externally guided.