Articles: general-anesthesia.
Middle East J Anaesthesiol · Oct 1995
Comparative StudyIs antacid treatment necessary in obstetric anesthesia?
All the obstetric units in Jeddah were surveyed regarding the use of antacid prophylaxis and the methods of anesthesia used for emergency and elective cesarian section. The results were compared with the Western practice where marked variation was found but this apparently did not influence mortality from acid aspiration.
We have examined the raw EEG activity and auditory evoked responses (AER) in 35 children, aged 3 days to 13 yr (median 1.5 yr), undergoing general anaesthesia for routine surgery. Binaural stimuli were presented at a frequency of 6.12 Hz and the EEG was recorded and stored using the Northwick Park auditory evoked response software. ⋯ In children less than 2 yr, regular artefact activity was superimposed on the background EEG which was at the same frequency as the instantaneous heart rate and which was often identifiable as the ECG. We conclude that the AER may be unreliable in children less than 2 yr of age, and modification of current methodology may be required if this technique is to become useful in paediatric anaesthetic practice.
The Ohmeda Universal PAC drawover apparatus, a modification of an earlier series of vapour-specific vaporizers, was assessed with regard to its output under varying gas flows and temperatures and its clinical usage with isoflurane and enflurane. The device tended to over-deliver vapour, particularly at low flows and at high temperatures. ⋯ The device was not assessed with ether or halothane. The robust construction, relatively large capacity and thermocompensation make it suitable for field or military anaesthesia.
Rev Esp Anestesiol Reanim · Oct 1995
[Application of the laryngeal mask in pediatric anesthesiology].
To analyze problems with inserting, maintaining and removing a laryngeal mask in children, as well as to assess the possible involvement of certain factors (experience with the laryngeal mask, type of anesthesia, duration of surgery, type of surgery, obesity, etc.) in favoring the development of complications. One hundred eighty-nine children undergoing a variety of surgical procedures under general anesthesia were studied; patients with full stomachs and/or a history of hiatus hernia were excluded. The agent used for anesthetic induction and the method of ventilation were chosen by the anesthesiologist responsible for each case. ⋯ Complications were more frequent when the laryngeal mask was placed by inexperienced personnel, when inhalational anesthetics were used for induction and maintenance, and when a No. 1 laryngeal mask was used. Adequate ventilation was provided for the patients who required it with an airways pressure between 8 and 18 cmH2O, arterial oxygen saturation over 98% and end-expiratory CO2 pressure under 35 mmHg. Cardiovascular repercussions were slight and hemodynamic stability was good.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)