Articles: general-anesthesia.
The swallowing reflex is depressed by anesthetics. During recovery from anesthesia the rapid return of laryngeal and upper airway reflexes is important to protect the lower airway from aspiration. This study measures the recovery of the swallowing reflex after propofol anesthesia. ⋯ The EMGi was significantly decreased over the first 12 min and returned to control at 21 min. Propofol depresses the swallowing reflex, but complete recovery is rapid. This study suggests that the oral intake could be allowed early after recovery from anesthesia when propofol is used as the sole anesthetic.
Mechanical hyperventilation may produce hypocapnic apnoea below the carbon dioxide off-switch threshold whereas an increase in arterial PCO2 after post-hyperventilation apnoea causes reappearance of respiratory effort above the carbon dioxide on-switch threshold. To study the effects of surgical stimulation on these two thresholds, we have measured end-tidal PCO2 (PE'CO2) at the two thresholds, before and during surgical stimulation, in 14 patients undergoing mastectomy, anaesthetized with sevoflurane (1.2 MAC). Based on the reproducibility of the results, data from 11 patients were analysed and data from the three other patients were discarded. ⋯ During surgical stimulation, resting PE'CO2' off-switch threshold and on-switch threshold were 4.8 (0.2), 4.1 (0.2) and 4.7 (0.2) kPa, respectively. Although the off-switch threshold was significantly less than resting PE'CO2 (P < 0.01), there were no significant differences between resting PE'CO2 and on-switch threshold. These results indicate that surgical stimulation does not affect equally the carbon dioxide on- and off-switch thresholds.
Randomized Controlled Trial Clinical Trial
[Effect of continuous infusion of flumazenil on unexpected postoperative resedation by midazolam].
Resedation after general anesthesia induced by midazolam is thought to be not an unusual problem for the anesthetists. We investigated the effect of continuous infusion of flumazenil on the patients who had general anesthesia using midazolam as an induction agent and had flumazenil for prolonged recovery after procedure. Fourteen of 54 patients were judged as prolonged recovery and were given 0.25 mg of flumazenil. ⋯ In the second group, 0.25 mg of flumazenil in 250 ml of lactated Ringer's solution was given continuously for 2 hours after the first flumazenil. All the patients were fully awake after the first flumazenil but one case of resedation occurred in the first group and in none of the patients in the second group. We conclude that continuous infusion of 0.25 mg of flumazenil for 2 hours is effective and makes anesthetist free from anxiety of postoperative resedation by midazolam.
Case Reports
Hypoplastic left heart syndrome: anesthetic care prior to transplantation or surgical palliation.
Hypoplastic left heart syndrome is the most common lethal cardiac defect in neonates. Options for treatment include cardiac transplantation and surgical palliation. ⋯ During this time, anesthetic care may be required for various surgical procedures. Associated anomalies seen in these infants and the anesthetic implications imposed by the abnormal cardiac anatomy are discussed.
General anesthesia was given to six surgical patients with hypertrophic cardiomyopathy on eight occasions from 1990 to 1992. Anesthetic courses were uneventful in five patients diagnosed previously as hypertrophic cardiomyopathy. ⋯ A slight hypotension caused by epidural anesthesia had a devastating effect on the patient. The above experiences stress the importance of early diagnosis and careful observation in perioperative period.