Articles: pain-management-methods.
J. Med. Internet Res. · Jan 2020
Randomized Controlled TrialAn Online Pain Education Program for Working Adults: Pilot Randomized Controlled Trial.
Pain is a common public health concern, and the pain situation among the general population is serious in mainland China. Working adults commonly experience pain because of long sitting times, a lack of free time, and exercise. A lack of pain-related knowledge is also a significant factor. Educational and therapeutic programs delivered online were used more often in Western countries, and accessible programs in China are limited, especially for pain management. Therefore, we carried out an online pain education program for working adults to self-manage pain. The program was delivered through WeChat, a popular and secure social media with a large population base in China. ⋯ Our findings highlight the significant potential of this online education program in the treatment of pain.
Physiother Theory Pract · Jan 2020
Randomized Controlled TrialPain management using a multimodal physiotherapy program including a biobehavioral approach for chronic nonspecific neck pain: a randomized controlled trial.
Objective: To determine the effectiveness of a therapeutic patient education (TPE) intervention based on a biobehavioral approach combined with manual therapy (MT) to reduce pain in patients with chronic nonspecific neck pain (CNSNP). In addition, this study intended to assess the effectiveness of a multimodal physiotherapy program including TPE to reduce pain in patients with CNSNP. Design: Single-blind randomized controlled trial. ⋯ Results: Statistically significant differences in pain intensity were found when Exp2 was compared with Exp1 and the control group at 4 months (p = 0.015 and p = 0.001, respectively), but no difference was found between Exp1 and the control group at the same follow-up period (p = 0.86). Exp2 showed statistically significant differences in all of the secondary outcomes except for pain catastrophizing when compared with the control group at 4 months. Conclusions: The Exp2 group was more effective than Exp1 and the control group in terms of reducing pain intensity at 4 months; at post-treatment, only Exp2 was more effective than the control group.
Randomized Controlled Trial
Ultrasound-Guided Transmuscular Quadratus Lumborum Block Reduces Postoperative Pain Intensity in Patients Undergoing Total Hip Arthroplasty: A Randomized, Double-Blind, Placebo-Controlled Trial.
Eighty-eight patients undergoing THA were randomized to receive 0.33% ropivacaine (Group QLB, n = 44) or saline (Group Con, n = 44) for QL3 block. Spinal anesthesia was then performed. Pain intensity was assessed using the visual analog scale (0: no pain to 10: worst possible pain). The primary outcome was pain scores recorded at rest at 3, 6, 12, 24, 36, and 48 h and on standing and walking at 24, 36, and 48 h postoperatively. Secondary outcomes were analgesic consumption, side effects, the 10-meter walking speed on day 6, and patient satisfaction after surgery. ⋯ Ultrasound-guided QL3 block is an effective pain management technique after THA.
Complement Ther Med · Jan 2020
Randomized Controlled Trial Comparative StudyComparison of the analgesic effect of oral sucrose and/or music in preterm neonates: A double-blind randomized clinical trial.
To compare the analgesic effects of sucrose, music, and their combination on venipuncture's pain in preterm neonates. ⋯ Music could relief pain 30 s after the venipuncture completion but not during the venipuncture. A more prolonged period of playing music is recommended to evaluate the analgesic effects of music in preterm neonates in future studies.
Review Randomized Controlled Trial
Local Vibratory Stimulation for Temporomandibular Disorder Myofascial Pain Treatment: A Randomised, Double-Blind, Placebo-Controlled Preliminary Study.
Several methods are currently used to manage pain related to temporomandibular disorder (TMD). Vibratory stimulation is applied as a pain treatment for several musculoskeletal disorders, but it has not yet been studied in-depth for TMD symptoms. The aim of this study is to analyse the effectiveness of at-home local vibration therapy (LVT) for the management of TMDs-related myofascial pain. ⋯ IG patients reported a no statistically significant decrease in the average values of MM pain and an increase in the average values of TMJ pain and HA. Conclusion. The study supports the use of local vibration therapy in the control of TMD-related TMJ pain, local muscular pain, and headache.