Articles: neuralgia.
The receptor for advanced glycation end products (RAGE) is a multi-ligand receptor in the immunoglobulin superfamily. RAGE is localized throughout ascending sensory pathways (skin, peripheral nerve, dorsal root ganglion, spinal cord), and in cell types interacting with sensory neurons (endothelial cells, smooth muscle cells, monocytes and macrophages). Neuronal RAGE expression increases in pathological pain states in humans and rodents, and soluble RAGE attenuates thermal hypoalgesia in diabetic mice. The objective of the present study was to investigate whether pharmacological modulation of RAGE could attenuate mechanical allodynia in rodent pain models. ⋯ These data demonstrate that specific modulation of RAGE effectively attenuates nociceptive sensitivity associated with chronic inflammatory and neuropathic pain states.
Occipital neuralgia is defined by the International Headache Society as paroxysmal shooting or stabbing pain in the dermatomes of the greater or lesser occipital nerve. Various treatment methods exist, from medical treatment to open surgical procedures. Local injection with corticosteroid can improve symptoms, though generally only temporarily. ⋯ Recently, a few reports have described positive results following peripheral nerve stimulation of the greater or lesser occipital nerve. Although this procedure is less invasive, the significance of the results is hampered by the small sample size and the lack of long-term data. Clinicians should always remember that destructive procedures carry grave risks: once an anatomic structure is destroyed, it cannot be easily recovered, if at all, and with any destructive procedure there is always the risk of the development of painful neuroma or causalgia, conditions that may be even harder to control than the original complaint.
Occipital neuralgia is a form of neuropathic type of pain in the distribution of the greater, lesser, or third occipital nerves. Patients with intractable occipital neuralgia do not respond well to conservative treatment modalities. This group of patients represents a significant therapeutic challenge and may require interventional or invasive therapeutic approaches. ⋯ Bedside sonography is an excellent imaging modality for soft tissue structures. Ultrasound not only allows distinguishing normal from abnormal entrapped occipital nerves, it can identify the level and the cause of entrapment as well. Ultrasound guidance allows precise occipital nerve blocks and interventions at the level of the "specific" entrapment location rather than into the site of "presumed" entrapment.
Chronic pain results in structural and functional changes of the brain. However, most of the neurophysiologic and imaging studies have been conducted with small sample sizes, some have been reproduced, but studies on larger populations are lacking. Larger epidemiologic studies are currently being performed to show specific structural changes due to chronic pain. ⋯ Most methods are very complex, which hampers their application in daily practice. But it is not only the complexity of methods, but also a lack of interaction between researchers and practitioners to formulate joint research topics and targets. This article tries to fill the gap between the practicing pain therapist and the researcher in summarizing neurophysiological and imaging results on neuropathic and chronic pain in a clear and simple manner.
Neuropathic pain is "pain arising as a direct consequence of a lesion or disease affecting the somatosensory system". The prevalence of neuropathic pain ranges from 7 to 11% of the population and minimally invasive procedures have been used to both diagnose and treat neuropathic pain. ⋯ Neuroablative procedures include radiofrequency ablation, cryoanalgesia and neurectomies. Currently, neuromodulation with peripheral nerve stimulators and spinal cord stimulators are the most evidence-based treatments of neuropathic pain.