Articles: acute-pain.
Effective pain management results in improved patient satisfaction, reduced anxiety, and improved comfort. However, concern exists regarding the effects of pain medications on cognition and patient ability to consent for procedures, hospital admission, or to refuse recommended medical interventions. ⋯ We found significant variation in DSST scores among ED patients with pain. Treatment of pain with nonsedating analgesic agents was not associated with improved scores on the Digit Symbol Substitution Test among ED patients with acute painful conditions, compared to control subjects.
Opioids are effective for severe pain; however, the safety issue is also a primary concern. To better understand the opioid use in Taiwan, we conducted this study. ⋯ The total number of opioid prescriptions in Taiwan gradually increased annually, among which morphine was the most commonly used opioid. Cancer patients consumed more opioid prescriptions than noncancer patients and most of the prescriptions in noncancer patients were used in acute pain service. The number of prescriptions increased with the age of the patients in both cancer and noncancer patients. The low prescription rate of opioids in chronic pain in Taiwan is not similar as those in high opioid-consuming countries, such as United States.
Bromine is a water-soluble, severely toxic element. It leads to tissue injury by causing the release of radical oxygen species from mucosal membranes. Redness or brownish discoloration of the skin, pain, measles-like rash, vesicles, blisters, pustules, furuncles, burns, and ulcers may be seen in the acute phase. ⋯ Although bromine burn is rare, it causes severe damage to the skin, and injury starts insidiously without causing a visible skin reaction at the beginning. Irrigation with plenty of water in the early period is critically important in reducing the severity of the injury. Key Words: Bromine, Burn, Skin, Radical oxygen species.