Articles: chronic.
Opioids are given for acute intra- and postope-rative pain relief or for chronic cancer pain. In the literature there are only rare and contradictory reports on the oral administration of opioids for chronic non-malignant pain. However, there is no reason to withhold strong analgesics for patients with severe pain. ⋯ Side effects are controlled by additional medication. The principle of opioid administration is prophylaxis of pain -therefore, they should be given "by the clock". Opioids are not only indicated in malignant illness, but also according to severity of pain and by the failure of other measures to control pain.
If migraine attacks occur more frequently than 2 times a month, treatment of the acute attack with analgesics and ergotamine becomes problematic. An acute relief of migraine symptoms will be achieved only at the risk of developing a drug-induced chronic headache. Therefore, if migraine attacks occur frequently prophylactic treatment should be considered. ⋯ There is, however, convincing evidence that neither clonidine, nor anti-histamines, nor barbiturates, nor antiepileptic drugs, nor anxiolytics are effective in the prophylactic treatment of migraine. Successful prophylactic treatment cannot be achieved by drug therapy alone. Any form of drug treatment should be complemented by providing the patient with detailed information about the nature of the disease and the properties of the prescribed drugs, as well as careful investigation of the patient's situation and habits and a careful search for precipitants, combined with an attempt to change the patient's habits and to avoid factors that trigger the attacks.
In pain clinics, thorough documentation of patient-related data is essential for analysis of patient history, long-term evaluation of diagnostic and therapeutic procedures, and research on the etiology and epidemiology of chronic pain syndromes. With these requirements in mind, we realized a microcomputer documentation system based on a commercial data-base software concept (dBASE). Each patient's data are stored in three different sections: data for identification, basic data (mainly diagnostic findings), and treatment related follow-up data. ⋯ The microcomputer documentation system offers listings for administration as well as effective patient scheduling thanks to a recall system by date of last contact, selected therapeutic procedures and any other item in the medical record. A mail-merge service can be applied, which is particularly useful for follow-up-studies. The documentation system means routine work can be standardized and performed in an economical manner, with the ultimate aim of enhancing the quality of pain therapy.
For the present investigation 31 out-patients suffering from chronic pain received a pain diary, that is a booklet in which they recorded their pain level on visual analogue scales and daily activities several times during a day. We used weekly interviews and the patient's records in the diary to evaluate the patient's compliance and the influence of a pain diary on the pain perception and on the physician-patient-interaction. We found that most of the patients were willing and able to use the pain diary. 30 out of 31 patients kept the diary voluntarily for an average period of 4 weeks. 70% of the patients regarded the pain diary as helpful irrespective of whether or not they considered it at the same time as burden. ⋯ Patients from this study reported a better control over their pain and improved conciousness of their own body. As the patient plays an active part the pain diary promotes an equal cooperation between physician and patient. The new information derived from a pain diary enables both patient and physician to alter their point of view.
This epidemiological questionnaire-study of 362 patients suffering from chronic pain related to musculoskeletal disorders showed the following results: Most musculoskeletal pain syndromes are located in the head and back areas (57.3%). Patients who seek treatment in an orthopedic pain clinic suffer from at least moderate pain according to the verbal rating scale and from pain equal too or more than 50 on to the numeric rating scale. For most patients (51.9%) the duration of the pain has been between 1 and 10 years. ⋯ Most patients with chronic pain consult 2 to 6 doctors. For typical orthopedic pain syndromes most patients consult an orthopedist. Patients with chronic headaches consult an orthopedic specialist about as frequently as neurologist or internist specialist.