Articles: sars-cov-2.
COVID-19 counts 46 million people infected and killed more than 1.2 million. Hypoxaemia is one of the main clinical manifestations, especially in severe cases. HIF1α is a master transcription factor involved in the cellular response to oxygen levels. The immunopathogenesis of this severe form of COVID-19 is poorly understood. ⋯ The up-regulation and participation of HIF1α in events such as inflammation, immunometabolism, and TLR make it a potential molecular marker for COVID-19 severity and, interestingly, could represent a potential target for molecular therapy. Key messages Critically ill COVID-19 patients show emergency myelopoiesis. HIF1α and its transcriptionally regulated genes are expressed in immature myeloid cells which could serve as molecular targets. HIF1α and its transcriptionally regulated genes is also expressed in lung cells from critically ill COVID-19 patients which may partially explain the hypoxia related events.
Patients with COVID-19 frequently exhibit a hypercoagulable state with high thrombotic risk, particularly those admitted to intensive care units (ICU). Thromboprophylaxis is mandatory in these patients; nevertheless, thrombosis still occurs in many cases. Thus, the problem of assessing an adequate level of anticoagulation in ICU patients becomes evident during the COVID-19 pandemic. The aim of this study was to evaluate the heparin resistance and the efficacy of heparin monitoring using an anti-Xa activity assay. ⋯ SARS-COV2 pneumonia patients in ICU have frequently heparin resistance. Anti-Xa seems a more reliable method to monitor heparin treatment than APTT in acute patients, also because the assay is insensitive to the increased levels of fibrinogen, FVIII, and LAC that are common during the COVID-19 inflammatory state.
Acta clinica Croatica · Dec 2021
In addition to RT-PCR assays, serology testing that has been recognized as a useful tool to assess the spread of infection in the population is considered successful and important strategy in the control of the global pandemic of SARS-CoV-2 infection. Now, a great number of manufacturers offer their serologic tests on the market. When interpretating the results, the rate of seroprevalence should be taken in consideration because it may influence the positive predictive value, as well as cross-reactivity with other coronaviruses in case of assays with poorly designed antigens. ⋯ The results obtained by the former test showed ten of these patients to be IgG positive and one patient was IgG weakly positive with different confidence index. The latter test discriminated positive results with medium confidence index on the former test as negative. The results obtained with two serology tests were concordant with the observation that the results with medium confidence index may indicate cross-reactivity.
The COVID-19 pandemic has caused the relocation of huge financial resources to departments dedicated to infected patients, at the expense of those suffering from other pathologies. ⋯ In the early stages of the COVID pandemic, our centre noted no statistical difference in unadjusted in-hospital mortality between COVID and non-COVID patients. Non-COVID patients had higher Charlson Comorbidity Scores, reflecting a greater disease burden in this population.Key MessagesIn March 2020, the COVID-19 disease was declared a pandemic, with enormous consequences for the organization of health systems and in terms of human lives; this has caused the relocation of huge financial resources to departments dedicated to infected patients, at the expense of those suffering from other pathologies.Few published reports have compared COVID-19 and non-COVID-19 pneumonia. In our study, performed in a geographic area with a low prevalence of SARS-CoV-2 infection, we found few statistically significant differences in terms of clinical characteristics between the two groups analyzed.In the early stages of the COVID pandemic, our centre noted no statistical difference in unadjusted in-hospital mortality between COVID and non-COVID patients. Non-COVID patients had higher Charlson Comorbidity Scores, reflecting a greater disease burden in this population.