Articles: respiratory-distress-syndrome.
Mechanical ventilation is the potential therapeutic approach to traumatic brain lesion and acute adult respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS) in the wake of severe injury in an accident. Aggravating cerebral symptoms, such as non-targeted defence reactions in coma, hemiplegia, synergism of extension, convulsions, pontine respiratory disorders, and intracerebral pressure beyond 30 Torr are diagnostic criteria for immediate mechanical ventilation of patients with brain trauma. The same action is indicated for cases of ARDS exhibiting, on top of the typical constellation of causes, hypoxia below 60 Torr paO2 and vital capacity below 15 ml/kg body weight or respiratory rates in excess of 30/min.
Intensive care medicine · Jan 1988
Case ReportsMiliary tuberculosis presenting as adult respiratory distress syndrome.
We report the history of a 27-year-old Caucasian girl who died of adult respiratory distress syndrome secondary to miliary tuberculosis (MTB), after treatment with antibiotics to which the organism was sensitive, and a long period of ventilation. This case emphasises the importance of considering MTB as the cause of respiratory failure when another aetiology is not apparent.