Articles: anesthetics.
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ICI 35868 was used to induce anesthesia in 39 ASA I patients (9 male and 30 female, aged 17-64 years), scheduled to undergo minor surgical procedures. The first 6 patients were given 1.0 mg/kg, the next 22 1.5 mg/kg and the final 11 2.0 mg/kg ICI 35868 I. V. over 30 seconds, without premedication. ⋯ Other side effects were minor and of low incidence. Three minutes after induction of anesthesia, when assessments were complete, 23 patients were given a further dose of a conventional induction agent, as they were beginning to awaken, and anesthesia was maintained in all patients by inhalational techniques. There were no untoward events during maintenance of or on recover from anesthesia.