Articles: health.
Low birthweight (LBW; <2500 g) is an important predictor of health outcomes throughout the life course. We aimed to update country, regional, and global estimates of LBW prevalence for 2020, with trends from 2000, to assess progress towards global targets to reduce LBW by 30% by 2030. ⋯ The Children's Investment Fund Foundation; the UNDP-UNFPA-UNICEF-WHO World Bank Special Programme of Research, Development and Research Training in Human Reproduction; and the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation.
The evidence hierarchy in public health emphasizes longitudinal studies, whereas social media monitoring relies on aggregate analyses. Authors propose integrating longitudinal analyses into social media monitoring by creating a digital cohort of individual account holders, as demonstrated by a case study analysis of people who vape. ⋯ By aligning with standard epidemiologic surveillance practices, this approach can greatly enhance the usefulness of social media monitoring in informing public health decision making, such as yielding insights into the timing of cessation behaviors among people who vape.
British medical bulletin · Mar 2024
Retraction Of PublicationRetraction of: Nutrition, adult hippocampal neurogenesis and mental health.
The potential risk for mental health conditions over the menopause transition shapes women's expectations and informs putative physiological mechanisms regulating women's mental health. We review evidence from prospective studies reporting on associations between mental health conditions and the menopause transition. Major depressive disorder and the more prevalent subthreshold depressive symptoms are the most common conditions studied. ⋯ Potential misattribution of psychological distress and psychiatric disorders to menopause could harm women by delaying accurate diagnosis and the initiation of effective psychotropic treatments, and by creating negative expectations for people approaching menopause. A paradigm shift is needed. We conclude with recommendations for the detection and treatment of depressive symptoms or major depressive disorder and strategies to promote good mental health over the menopause transition, while responsibly preparing and supporting those at risk.