Chinese medical journal
Chinese medical journal · Jan 2020
In vivo longitudinal and multimodal imaging of hypoxia-inducible factor 1α and angiogenesis in breast cancer.
Angiogenesis and hypoxia-inducible factor 1α (HIF-1α) play major roles in solid tumors. This study aimed to establish a longitudinal and multimodal imaging model for in vivo evaluation of HIF1α and angiogenesis in breast cancer. ⋯ The findings validated the Ca761-hre-gfp murine allograft model for reliable evaluation of HIF-1α activity and angiogenesis longitudinally using both molecular and pre-clinical non-invasive imaging modalities. The cell line may be useful for studies of anti-HIF pathway therapies.
Chinese medical journal · Jan 2020
Pulsed radiofrequency alleviated neuropathic pain by down-regulating the expression of substance P in chronic constriction injury rat model.
Pulsed radiofrequency (PRF), as a non-invasive treatment of neuropathic pain (NP), has been widely administered clinically. Previous studies have shown that PRF has the potential to improve hyperalgesia in animal models of NP. However, there have been few reports to clarify whether the mechanism of PRF treatment of NP involves intervention in the expression of substance P (SP). Therefore, this study administered PRF treatment to chronic constriction injury (CCI) model rats and observed the sciatic nerve mechanical pain threshold and SP expression in the spinal cord to explore the mechanism of PRF treatment. ⋯ PRF may alleviate CCI-induced NP by down-regulating the expression of SP in the spinal cord of CCI model rats.
Chinese medical journal · Jan 2020
Role of dihydroceramides in the progression of acute-on-chronic liver failure in rats.
Previously, dihydroceramide (d18:0/24:0) (dhCer (d18:0/24:0)) was reported to be a potential biomarker for acute-on-chronic liver failure (ACLF) prognosis. In this study, we further explored the role of dhCer (d18:0/24:0) in the progression of ACLF to validate the biomarker using ACLF rat model. ⋯ DhCer, especially dhCer (d18:0/24:0), is involved in the progression of ACLF. Increasing the levels of dhCer can reduce the mortality rate of ACLF rats and alleviate liver injury.
Chinese medical journal · Jan 2020
Intra-operative cell salvage for cesarean delivery: a retrospective study using propensity score matched analysis.
Obstetric hemorrhage is a major cause of maternal death during cesarean delivery. The objective of this retrospective observational study was to evaluate the efficacy and safety of intra-operative cell salvage (IOCS) in cesarean section. ⋯ This retrospective observational study using propensity score matched analysis suggested that IOCS was associated with shorter length of postoperative hospital stay and higher post-operative hemoglobin levels during cesarean delivery.