Pain catastrophizing has recently been suggested to have a social function based on a positive association observed with facial responsiveness to noxious stimulation. However, this assumption is based on studies applying nociceptive stimuli of fixed intensity, such that high catastrophizers not only displayed increased pain behavior but also rated the stimulation as being more painful. The aim of this study was to investigate the relation between catastrophizing and facial responsiveness while controlling for individual differences in pain sensitivity. ⋯ Moreover, correlation analyses revealed no significant associations between catastrophizing and skin conductance responses. The present findings provide further support for the impact of pain catastophizing on pain sensitivity. However, our finding of no relation between catastrophizing and facial responsiveness when participants are experiencing comparable psychophysical pain intensities, challenges previous assumptions that high catastrophizers display amplified pain behavior; at least in young and pain-free individuals.
Catastrophizing exerts its deleterious effects on pain via multiple pathways, and some researchers have reported that high levels of catastrophizing are associated with enhanced physiological reactivity to painful stimulation. In this project, 42 generally healthy adults underwent a series of psychophysical pain testing procedures assessing responses to noxious mechanical, heat, and cold stimuli. Pain catastrophizing cognitions were assessed prior to and then immediately after the various pain induction procedures. ⋯ In multivariate analyses, the relationship between catastrophizing and IL-6 reactivity was independent of pain ratings. Collectively, these findings suggest that cognitive and emotional responses during the experience of pain can shape pro-inflammatory immune system responses to noxious stimulation. This pathway may represent one important mechanism by which catastrophizing and other psychosocial factors shape the experience of both acute and chronic pain in a variety of settings.
Randomized Controlled Trial
A randomized trial of behavioral physical therapy interventions for acute and sub-acute low back pain (NCT00373867).
Psychological factors consistent with fear-avoidance models are associated with the development of chronic low back pain (LBP). As a result, graded activity (GA) and graded exposure (GX) have been suggested as behavioral treatment options. This clinical trial compared the effectiveness of treatment-based classification (TBC) physical therapy alone to TBC augmented with GA or GX for patients with acute and sub-acute LBP. ⋯ GX and TBC were associated with larger reductions in fear-avoidance beliefs at 6 months only. Six-month reduction in disability was associated with reduction in pain intensity, while 6-month reduction in pain intensity was associated with reductions in fear-avoidance beliefs and pain catastrophizing. This trial suggests that supplementing TBC with GA or GX was not effective for improving important outcomes related to the development of chronic LBP.
Controlled Clinical Trial
A longitudinal study of the efficacy of a comprehensive pain rehabilitation program with opioid withdrawal: comparison of treatment outcomes based on opioid use status at admission.
Use of opioids for chronic non-cancer pain is controversial and the efficacy of comprehensive pain rehabilitation programs (CPRPs) that incorporate opioid withdrawal requires further investigation. We test the hypothesis that patients with chronic pain and longstanding opioid use who undergo opioid withdrawal in the course of rehabilitative treatment will experience significant and sustained improvement in pain and functioning similar to patients who were not taking opioids. A longitudinal design study compared 373 consecutive patients admitted to the Mayo Clinic Pain Rehabilitation Center at admission, discharge and six-month posttreatment by opioid status at admission. Measures of pain severity, depression, psychosocial functioning, health status, and pain catastrophizing were used to assess between- and within-group differences. Treatment involved a 3-week interdisciplinary pain rehabilitation program focused on functional restoration. Over one-half of patients (57.1%) were taking opioids daily at admission. The majority of patients (91%) completed rehabilitation and 70% of patients who completed the program returned questionnaires six months posttreatment. On admission, patients taking low- and high-dose opioids reported significantly greater pain severity (P=.001) and depression (P=.001) than the non-opioid group. Significant improvement was found on all outcome variables following treatment (P<.001) and six-month posttreatment (P<.001) regardless of opioid status at admission. There were no differences between the opioid and non-opioid groups upon discharge from the program or at six months following treatment. ⋯ Patients with longstanding CPRP on chronic opioid therapy, who choose to participate in interdisciplinary rehabilitation that incorporates opioid withdrawal, can experience significant and sustained improvement in pain severity and functioning.
Local sensitization to noxious stimuli has been previously described in acute whiplash injury and has been suggested to be a risk factor for chronic sequelae following acute whiplash injury. In this study, we prospectively examined the development of tender points and mechano-sensitivity in 157 acute whiplash injured patients, who fulfilled criteria for WAD grade 2 (n=153) or grade 3 (n=4) seen about 5 days after injury (4.8+/-2.3) and who subsequently had or had not recovered 1 year after a cervical sprain. Tender point scores and stimulus-response function for mechanical pressure were determined in injured and non-injured body regions at specific time-points after injury. ⋯ Tenderness was found in the neck region and in remote areas in non-recovered patients. The stimulus-response curves for recovered and non-recovered patients were similar after 12 days and 107 days after the injury, but non-recovered patients had steeper stimulus-response curves for the masseter (p<0.02) and trapezius muscles (p<0.04) after 384 days. This study shows early mechano-sensitization after an acute whiplash injury and the development of further sensitization in patients with long-term disability.