Preventive medicine
Preventive medicine · Mar 2016
Predictors of influenza vaccine uptake during the 2009/10 influenza A H1N1v ('swine flu') pandemic: Results from five national surveys in the United Kingdom.
To investigate reasons underlying the low uptake of the influenza A H1N1v vaccination in the UK during the 2009/10 pandemic. ⋯ Interventions that target these factors may be effective in improving uptake in a future pandemic.
Preventive medicine · Mar 2016
Longitudinal associations of active commuting with wellbeing and sickness absence.
Our aim was to explore longitudinal associations of active commuting (cycling to work and walking to work) with physical wellbeing (PCS-8), mental wellbeing (MCS-8) and sickness absence. ⋯ This work provides some evidence of the value of cycle commuting in improving or maintaining the health and wellbeing of adults of working age. This may be important in engaging employers in the promotion of active travel and communicating the benefits of active travel to employees.
Preventive medicine · Mar 2016
Randomized Controlled TrialA community based primary prevention programme for type 2 diabetes integrating identification and lifestyle intervention for prevention: the Let's Prevent Diabetes cluster randomised controlled trial.
Prevention of type 2 diabetes (T2DM) is a priority in healthcare, but there is a lack of evidence investigating how to effectively translate prevention research into a UK primary care setting. We assessed whether a structured education programme targeting lifestyle and behaviour change was effective at preventing progression to T2DM in people with pre-diabetes. ⋯ This study suggests that a relatively low resource, pragmatic diabetes prevention programme resulted in modest benefits to biomedical, lifestyle and psychosocial outcomes, however the reduction to the risk of T2DM did not reach significance. The findings have important implications for future research and primary care.
Preventive medicine · Mar 2016
Emotional and instrumental support during childhood and biological dysregulation in midlife.
To determine whether greater emotional and instrumental support during childhood is associated with less dysregulation across multiple physiological systems in midlife. ⋯ Greater emotional and instrumental support in childhood was associated with less biological dysregulation in midlife, even after accounting for socioeconomic disadvantage in childhood and other potential confounders.
Preventive medicine · Mar 2016
Birth weight and adult cardiovascular risk factors using multiple birth status as an instrumental variable in the 1958 British Birth Cohort.
Birth weight is classified as a risk factor for cardiovascular disease by the World Health Organization, but appropriate preventive interventions remain unclear because the observations have not been confirmed in experiments and appear to be contextually specific. ⋯ Multiple birth status is a credible IV for obtaining a less confounded estimate of the association of birth weight with height, BMI and blood pressure. Such analysis suggests that birth weight may be spuriously related to height, BMI and blood pressure, and thus not an effective target for intervention.