Patient education and counseling
To develop a feasibility study of a theory-driven telephone counseling program to enhance psychosocial and physical well-being for cancer survivors after treatment. ⋯ C-STEPS is a feasible telephone counseling program that transcends geographic barriers, demonstrating the potential to decrease distress and promote coping and healthy lifestyles among cancer survivors.
Comparative Study
Should culture affect practice? A comparison of prognostic discussions in consultations with immigrant versus native-born cancer patients.
Poor prognosis is difficult to impart, particularly across a cultural divide. This study compared prognostic communication with immigrants (with and without interpreters) versus native-born patients in audio-taped oncology consultations. ⋯ Initiatives to empower all patients to attain needed information, optimise communication when an interpreter is present and train cancer health professionals in culturally appropriate care, are urgently required.
Artificial intelligence can provide important support of patient health. However, limits to realized benefits can arise as patients assume an active role in their health decisions. ⋯ It is critical that health professionals respond to patient search for information on the Internet, first by guiding their search to relevant, authoritative, and responsive sources, and second by educating patients about how to interpret the information they are likely to encounter.