Computer methods and programs in biomedicine
Comput Methods Programs Biomed · Aug 2008
MARVIN: a medical research application framework based on open source software.
This paper describes the open source framework MARVIN for rapid application development in the field of biomedical and clinical research. MARVIN applications consist of modules that can be plugged together in order to provide the functionality required for a specific experimental scenario. ⋯ Furthermore, it implements an advanced visualization system and interfaces to a wide range of 3D tracking hardware. Since it uses only highly portable libraries, MARVIN applications run on Unix/Linux, Mac OS X and Microsoft Windows.
Comput Methods Programs Biomed · Aug 2008
Model-based identification of PEEP titrations during different volemic levels.
A cardiovascular system (CVS) model has previously been validated in simulated cardiac and circulatory disease states. It has also been shown to accurately capture all main hemodynamic trends in a porcine model of pulmonary embolism. In this research, a slightly extended CVS model and parameter identification process are presented and validated in a porcine experiment of positive end-expiratory pressure (PEEP) titrations at different volemic levels. ⋯ Errors for the identified model are within 5% when re-simulated and compared to clinical data. All identified parameter trends match clinically expected changes. This work represents another clinical validation of the underlying fundamental CVS model, and the methods and approach of using them for cardiovascular diagnosis in critical care.
Comput Methods Programs Biomed · Jul 2008
ReviewA review of smart homes- present state and future challenges.
In the era of information technology, the elderly and disabled can be monitored with numerous intelligent devices. Sensors can be implanted into their home for continuous mobility assistance and non-obtrusive disease prevention. Modern sensor-embedded houses, or smart houses, cannot only assist people with reduced physical functions but help resolve the social isolation they face. ⋯ This article presents an international selection of leading smart home projects, as well as the associated technologies of wearable/implantable monitoring systems and assistive robotics. The latter are often designed as components of the larger smart home environment. The paper will conclude by discussing future challenges of the domain.
Comput Methods Programs Biomed · Apr 2008
Wavelet-based ECG compression by bit-field preserving and running length encoding.
Efficient electrocardiogram (ECG) compression can reduce the payload of real-time ECG transmission as well as reduce the amount of data storage in long-term ECG recording. In this paper an ECG compression/decompression architecture based on the bit-field preserving (BFP) and running length encoding (RLE)/decoding schemes incorporated with the discrete wavelet transform (DWT) is proposed. Compared to complex and repetitive manipulations in the set partitioning in hierarchical tree (SPIHT) coding and the vector quantization (VQ), the proposed algorithm has advantages of simple manipulations and a feedforward structure that would be suitable to implement on very-large-scale integrated circuits and general microcontrollers.
Comput Methods Programs Biomed · Mar 2008
Classifying algorithms for SIFT-MS technology and medical diagnosis.
Selected Ion Flow Tube-Mass Spectrometry (SIFT-MS) is an analytical technique for real-time quantification of trace gases in air or breath samples. SIFT-MS system thus offers unique potential for early, rapid detection of disease states. Identification of volatile organic compound (VOC) masses that contribute strongly towards a successful classification clearly highlights potential new biomarkers. ⋯ The simple case with nitrogen in Tedlar bags returned a 100% success rate, as expected. The clinical proof-of-concept with seven tests on one patient had an ROC curve area of 0.89. These results validate the method presented and illustrate the emerging clinical potential of this technology.