Strahlentherapie und Onkologie : Organ der Deutschen Röntgengesellschaft ... [et al]
Comparative Study
Definitive radiation therapy in the treatment of carcinoma of the uterine cervix. Treatment results and prognostic factors.
219 patients suffering from cervix carcinoma received definitive radiation therapy using moderate doses of external beam therapy and high dose-rate afterloading brachytherapy from 1979 to 1986. At five years, the actuarial survival (AS) for stage Ib patients was 81%, for stage IIa 53%, for stage IIb 56%, for stage IIIa 25%, for stage IIIb 33% and for stages IVa and IVb 0%. Significant prognostic factors for actuarial survival were FIGO stage, histological type, grading and, marginally, age of the patient at the time of diagnosis. ⋯ High dose-rate afterloading therapy for cervix carcinoma yields good results for local control and survival with a low ratio of severe side effects (6%). Radiation therapy eliminates the prognostic influence of histological type and grading of the tumor on local control. External beam and afterloading doses, however, are relevant factors for prognosis, if the patients are stratified by FIGO stage.
Multicenter Study Clinical Trial
[Radiotherapeutic quality assurance in the Hodgkin's disease study HD4 supported by the BMFT (Bundesministerium für Forschung und Technologie)].
In the German Hodgkin Study Group a radiotherapy assurance program is being carried out at the radiotherapeutic reference centre in Göttingen since April 1988: 74 patients were entered from 27 radiotherapeutic institutions. 18 of them participated in a quality assurance program and submitted the data of 29 patients: In 21 of the 29 patients the protocol was followed correctly. Physical aspects of quality control showed two major deviations from the protocol: one center used photon energies of more than 15 MVX without mould; another had a anterior-posterior loading of 3:1. The radiation oncology assessment detected six inadequate treatments: The safety margin was inappropriate in three of 26 mantle fields. Another center used a multiple field technique, and in two patients the paraaortic region was not irradiated.
Comparative Study
[Computed tomographic determination of the target volume and the evaluation of remission after radiation of bronchial carcinoma].
434 CT examinations of 133 patients with histologically proven bronchogenic carcinoma (22 out of 133 with small cell lung cancer) were analysed before and after radiotherapy. The study evaluates the use of CT for determining target volume, tumour volume and remission rate: 1. Concerning determination of target volume conventional roentgen diagnostic simulator methods are much inferior to CT aided planning: as for our patients changes of the target volume were necessary in 50%, in 22% the changes were crucial. ⋯ One to three months and four to nine months after irradiation we found complete remissions in 19% and 62%, respectively. Hence, the evaluation of treatment results earlier than three months after radiotherapy may be incorrect. We deem it indispensable to use CT for determination of target, calculation of dose distribution and accurate evaluation of tumour remission and side effects during and after irradiation of patients with bronchogenic carcinoma.
Comparative Study
[Combined radiotherapy with cis- or carboplatin in advanced head and neck tumors].
This report reviews the treatment results of 111 patients with stage T3-4, N0-3, M0, biopsy proven squamous cell carcinoma of the oropharynx and oral cavity. All patients were treated by primary irradiation with 1.8 to 2 Gy per day for five days a week up to a target volume dose of 39.6 or 40 Gy. Simultaneously 20 mg/m2 cisplatin was given under hyperhydration and mannitol diuresis on days 1 to 5. ⋯ The group which received 80 mg/m2 CBDCA reached the myelotoxicity limit so that subsequent patients were treated with 70 mg/m2. Among 30 patients who completed the treatment, 22 showed a complete (CR) and eight a partial remission (PR). Despite the short follow-up period the preliminary results appear to be comparable with those achieved after combined radiotherapy and cis-DDP application without any limitations for patients with renal or cardiovascular disorders.
A retrospective evaluation was made on the results of primary or postoperative radiotherapy in 162 patients with grade I to IV astrocytomas. The greatest part of the overall group was built by 113 patients suffering from glioblastoma multiforme. ⋯ The survival of patients with malignant gliomas is not influenced by the radicality of the operation and the extension of the target volume to the whole brain (total-brain irradiation and boost). Thus in the treatment of malignant astrocytomas, the less extensive surgical and radiotherapeutical intervention seems an adequate method to manage this disease.