Der Schmerz
Pseudo-radicular leg pain as initially described by Bruegger more than 55 years ago was at that time a genius explanation for so many non-radicular pain syndromes that needed not any kind of surgical intervention but in first line a manual treatment or a treatment by therapeutic local anesthetics. Today we describe this pain as a "referred pain" originating from other anatomic structures that may occur during the development of chronic pain. ⋯ Imaging does not help either. The history and the clinical symptoms, the examinations, the chain reactions in the motor system as well as the treatment options from the point of view of manual medicine are described.
Over the last 15 years, functional brain imaging techniques have provided critical insights into cortical, subcortical and even spinal mechanisms involved in pain perception and pain modulation in humans. The pivotal contribution of brain imaging studies conducted in Germany have thereby been internationally acknowledged. One of the key challenges for the next decade is to shift the focus from studies in healthy volunteers to different clinical populations suffering from chronic pain to characterize CNS mechanisms, as well as neurobiological predictors and resilience factors of pain chronification. Ultimately, the knowledge gained by this work may help identify individual or syndrome-specific CNS changes as biomarkers to make therapeutic decisions.
This article, without presuming to be comprehensive, gives a brief outline of the development of research on neuropathic pain in Germany. Current clinical research on this subject focusses on the validation of human models, patient phenotyping, mechanism-based classification and treatment as well as on molecular pathomechanisms. ⋯ In parallel, basic research achieved international top levels through the development of innovative methods. Close cooperation, building of consortia and European networking made major contributions to the success of this research.
Review Comparative Study
[Pain medicine from intercultural and gender-related perspectives].
Cultural setting and sex and gender of the patient are important factors affecting the occurrence, severity, clinical course and prognosis of pain and pain-related diseases. Intercultural differences in the perception and verbal expression of symptoms and emotional function are fundamental and it is important to realize these differences in order to understand patients with a migration background. A trusting doctor-patient relationship is generally very sensitive and it is even more difficult to establish when differences in the cultural background impair mutual understanding. ⋯ Research is needed to delineate the role of specific aspects affecting sex and gender differences and the underlying mechanisms (e.g. reduced inhibitory control, hormones, psychological aspects and social factors). Altogether, we need to open our minds to some intercultural and sex and gender aspects in the clinical setting. For sex and gender differences we may need a more biopsychosocial approach to understand the underlying differences and differentiate between sex and gender and sex and gender-associated aspects for acute and chronic pain.
Among the clinically relevant pain conditions, pain in the musculoskeletal system is most frequent. This article reports extensive epidemiological data on musculoskeletal system pain in Germany and worldwide. Since back pain is most frequent, the diagnostics and therapeutic algorithms of acute, recurring, and chronic lower back pain in Germany will be particularly addressed. ⋯ This article will list some reasons why the musculoskeletal system in particular is frequently the site of chronic pain. The authors believe that these reasons are to be sought in the complex structures of the musculoskeletal system; in the particular sensitivity of the deep somatic nociceptive system for long-term sensitization processes, as well as the ensuing nervous system reactions; and in the interactions between the nervous and immune systems. The article will give some insights into the research carried out on this topic in Germany.