Der Schmerz
Multicenter Study
[Pain-related stigma in patients with breast, colon, prostate or lung cancer : Results of a bicentric register-based cross-sectional study].
Studies on cancer patients show a moderately high relevance of perceived stigmatization. However, no studies have explored the perceived stigmatization in relation to cancer-associated pain. In this work, we analysed the relationship between pain and perceived stigmatization across a large sample of four major cancer entities. ⋯ Our findings support the assumption that the experience of pain can have an impact on the perceived stigmatization of cancer patients. Depression might influence the perceived stigmatization. Therefore, this group of patients should receive special attention and psycho-oncological care in clinical practice. Further research on the course and mechanisms of action of pain-related perceived stigmatization is also required.
There are no studies available that have simultaneously assessed the benefits and harms of cannabis-based medicines from the viewpoint of patients and their physicians. ⋯ CbMs can contribute to a clinically relevant reduction in pain, sleep problems and muscle tension and can improve daily functioning in carefully selected and supervised patients with chronic pain. CbM can contribute to the reduction or complete cessation of other pain medications (antidepressants, anticonvulsants, opioids).
Multicenter Study
[Kinesiophobia in shoulder disorders : Validation of the German version of the Tampa scale for kinesiophobia (TSK-GV)].
With a prevalence of 7-30%, shoulder disorders form the third largest group of musculoskeletal complaints. Their formation and development is influenced by, e.g. psychological factors. The Tampa scale for kinesiophobia (TSK) is the most common measure for quantifying fear of movement. ⋯ The TSK-GV is a reliable measurement tool. The construct validity should be further investigated in future studies. This study shows comparable values to previous studies in other populations. The TSK-GV is to date the only validated German language measure for recording fear of movement in shoulder disorders and shows an acceptable fit for this population.
Multicenter Study
[Validation of the German version of the Fear-Avoidance Beliefs Questionnaire (FABQ-D) for shoulder disorders].
With a prevalence of up to 30%, shoulder disorders form the third largest group of musculoskeletal complaints worldwide. Their formation and development are influenced by psychosocial factors such as movement-related fear. One of the internationally most common measurements for quantifying fear of movement is the Fear-Avoidance Beliefs Questionnaire (FABQ). ⋯ The FABQ‑D is a reliable measurement tool. The construct validity should be further investigated in future studies. This study reproduced results from previous studies in other populations. The FABQ‑D appears to be an adequate measurement tool for quantifying fear of movement in patients with shoulder disorders.
Randomized Controlled Trial Multicenter Study
[Botulinum toxin A injections in neuropathic pain : A post-hoc subgroup analysis of patients with peripheral nerve injury].
The randomized controlled trial (RCT) presented in this article showed significant relief in neuropathic pain following subcutaneous injections of botulinum toxin A over 24 weeks compared to placebo. This result was confirmed in a novel post-hoc analysis of the subgroup of 46 patients with peripheral nerve injury. Relevant adverse effects did not occur during the RCT.