Der Schmerz
Chronic and debilitating pediatric pain has a prevalence of 5% and as such constitutes a considerable health problem. The aim of this article is to provide an overview of current research activities on pediatric pain, available health care for children with chronic pain and education and training programs for health professionals. ⋯ Similar to international trends, research on chronic pediatric pain has also grown and advanced in Germany. Indeed, not only the amount of research has increased but also its scope. Nonetheless, there is clearly a need for more research efforts with regard to the understanding of (pediatric) pain mechanisms, clinical studies and, especially, investigations on health care services. It is particularly important to focus on the implementation, improvement and systematic evaluation of specialized health care services which would be available and accessible for children and adolescents with chronic pain and not be restricted to tertiary care.
The starting point for German headache research and clinical education was the engagement of D. Soyka in the 1970s, which enabled the foundation of the German Headache Society (DMKG) on 28 June 1979 and, some years later, the founding congress of the International Headache Society (IHS) in Munich 1982. As a result of these activities, in 1988 the first international classification of headache disorders was published. ⋯ A specific development in the German headache scene is the establishment of integrated headache centers and reflects the primarily multimodal treatment approach in Germany which contrasts with the settings in other countries. These successful developments are increasingly being undermined by the fact that the low financial support of headache research, for example, by the German science council is causing a decreasing interest in headache research, with the consequence that the clinical education of students as well as young medical doctors shows increasing deficits. The consequence for the future will be a deficit in the clinical care of the population.
Pain perception is a complex experience that entails somatic and psychological factors. This is especially true for chronic pain where increasing chronicity leads to a growing significance of psychological factors such as learning and memory processes or cognitive evaluation at the expense of nociceptive processes. ⋯ For the future of this research area, a differential analysis of the contribution of psychological factors to chronicity is important. For a mechanism-oriented treatment, the development of new treatment approaches and the analysis of specific subgroups for a better differential indication of treatments is needed.
Pain research is based broadly on physiological disciplines and its development follows the methodological progress of the era, from classical psychophysiology to electrophysiological investigations at peripheral and central nociceptive systems, single cells and ion channels to modern imaging of nociceptive processing. Physiological pain research in Germany has long been part of an interdisciplinary research network extending beyond all political boundaries, and this situation has continued since molecular techniques started to dominate all biomedical research. Current scientific questions, such as intracellular nociceptive signal mechanisms, interactions with other physiological systems including the immune system, or the genetic basis of epidemic and chronic pain diseases can only be solved interdisciplinary and with international collaboration.
Chronic visceral pain is an unresolved neurobiological, medical and socioeconomic challenge. Up to 20% of the adult population suffer from chronic visceral pain and abdominal complaints constitute a prevalent symptom also in children and adolescents. Existing treatment approaches are often unsuccessful and patients typically suffer from multiple somatic and psychological symptoms. ⋯ Despite significant clinical and scientific advances, a number of questions remain open calling for more funding to support research to elucidate the complex pathophysiology of chronic visceral pain and to develop and test new treatment approaches. Research support should focus on interdisciplinary concepts and methodology using expertise from multiple disciplines. The field would also benefit from a broader integration of visceral pain into teaching curricula in medicine and psychology and should aim to motivate young clinicians and scientists to strive for a career within this important and highly fascinating area.