Der Schmerz
In everyday clinical practice, immunologically mediated systemic vasculitides are among the rare diseases, meaning that basic knowledge of major symptoms and indicative laboratory findings is crucial for the inclusion of these complex clinical entities in differential diagnostic considerations. For many years, systemic vasculitides have been classified according to the primarily affected vessel size, distinguishing large, medium-sized, and small vessels. Pain is very often one of the main complaints of these diseases, be it, for example, the temporally accentuated headache in giant cell arteritis, the early morning myalgias in the shoulder and hip girdle in polymyalgia rheumatica, or the mononeuritis multiplex in eosinophilic granulomatosis with polyangiitis. ⋯ These include ENT symptoms, pulmonary or skin manifestations, as well as signs of renal involvement, such as peripheral edema, rise in blood pressure, hematuria, proteinuria, or a rapid loss of kidney function. If there is reasonable suspicion of disease, patients should be transferred to specialized centers with an interdisciplinary team. In most cases, an immunosuppressive therapy regimen is required, although in recent years the path towards avoiding high glucocorticoid doses with many side effects has been paved by the use of novel therapies.
Neuropathic pain is difficult to diagnose and treat. Small fiber neuropathy (SFN) flies under the radar of nerve conduction studies. ⋯ The diagnosis and therapy of rare SFN requires interdisciplinary collaboration and, in many cases, a referral to specialized centers to achieve the best patient care.
The rare Dunbar syndrome or medial arcuate ligament syndrome (MALS) is defined as compression of the celiac trunk and/or ganglion by the medial arcuate ligament. It is often diagnosed after patients have suffered for a long time and is characterized by intermittent food-related pain, nausea, and unexplained weight loss. ⋯ The treatment of choice is a laparoscopic division of the arcuate ligament at the celiac trunk, although percutaneous transluminal angioplasty (PTA) with stent implantation may be performed in cases of postoperative persistence of symptoms or recurrent stenosis. Since symptoms persist postoperatively in up to 50% of cases, strict indication and complete diagnosis in designated centers are of great importance for successful treatment.
Rare diseases are often recognized late. Their diagnosis is particularly challenging due to the diversity, complexity and heterogeneity of clinical symptoms. Computer-aided diagnostic aids, often referred to as diagnostic decision support systems (DDSS), are promising tools for shortening the time to diagnosis. Despite initial positive evaluations, DDSS are not yet widely used, partly due to a lack of integration with existing clinical or practice information systems. ⋯ DDSS currently still face a number of challenges, such as concerns about data protection and accuracy, and acceptance and awareness continue to be rather low. On the other hand, there is great potential for faster diagnosis, especially for rare diseases, which are easily overlooked due to their large number and the low awareness of them. The use of DDSS should therefore be carefully considered by doctors on a case-by-case basis.
Rare diseases are often recognized late. Their diagnosis is particularly challenging due to the diversity, complexity and heterogeneity of clinical symptoms. Computer-aided diagnostic aids, often referred to as diagnostic decision support systems (DDSS), are promising tools for shortening the time to diagnosis. Despite initial positive evaluations, DDSS are not yet widely used, partly due to a lack of integration with existing clinical or practice information systems. ⋯ DDSS currently still face a number of challenges, such as concerns about data protection and accuracy, and acceptance and awareness continue to be rather low. On the other hand, there is great potential for faster diagnosis, especially for rare diseases, which are easily overlooked due to their large number and the low awareness of them. The use of DDSS should therefore be carefully considered by doctors on a case-by-case basis.