Der Schmerz
[Chronic migraine and headache by medication overuse. Evolution and revision of classification].
The first International classification of headache disorders (ICHD-I) described migraine as a recurring headache disorder manifesting in attacks lasting 4-72 h. The headache frequency was not considered in these first diagnostic criteria of migraine. Thus, a chronic migraine with at least 15 migraine days per month was only included in the ICHD-II in 2004. ⋯ The term transformed migraine describes the transformation of an episodic migraine into a chronic one, whether medication overuse had been present or not. Up till now a widely accepted definition of chronic migraine and medication overuse headache has not been established due to different views. An overview of the evolution of the diagnostic criteria for both headache disorders in recent years is provided.
Pain in the legs belongs to the five most frequent regional pain symptoms. Restless legs syndrome (RLS) presents a particular differential diagnosis for pain in the legs, which is characterized by a nocturnal urge to move the legs often associated with painful sensations in the legs. ⋯ In this overview, the diagnosis and therapy of RLS as well as aspects of pain therapy of the disorder are presented. In addition, the differential diagnoses for exclusion of other specific causes of nocturnal pain in the legs are discussed.
Medical principles of pain treatment are generally in line with the judicial principles. To relieve pain is one of the fundamentals of medicine and this has also been acknowledged by the Federal Court in Germany. It is criminal bodily harm, when a physician denies a possible pain treatment. ⋯ The judicial unpunished assisted suicide has provoked an ethical discussion within the medical profession. However, what is not illegal is not automatically accepted as ethical handling for physicians. Palliative medicine is at least one alternative in this discussion.
On behalf of the German chapter of the International Association for the Study of Pain (IASP) recommendations for German pain treatment services have been developed for the first time. The criteria were based on the IASP recommendations but adapted to the specific German situation. According to the structure and process criteria four different levels of pain treatment services can be distinguished. The aim of the recommendations is to serve as a guide for future development and implementation of pain therapy and quality assurance.
Relaxation techniques are an integral part of the psychological therapy of chronic pain and follow very different objectives. These techniques lead to muscular and vegetative stabilization, serve as distraction from pain, to build up the internal focus of control and thus to improve self-efficacy. Additional targets are improvement of body awareness and stress management, shielding from sensory stimuli and recurrence prevention of migraine as well a sleeping aid. The most commonly used and best studied method is progressive muscle relaxation which has a good compliance because it is easy to learn and has a high plausibility for patients.