Human factors
We evaluated the nauseogenic properties of commercial console video games (i.e., games that are sold to the public) when presented through a head-mounted display. ⋯ Potential applications of this research include changes in the design of console video games and recommendations for how such systems should be used.
We explore how accurately and quickly nurses can identify melodic medical equipment alarms when no mnemonics are used, when alarms may overlap, and when concurrent tasks are performed. ⋯ Actual or potential uses of this research include the implementation of IEC 60601-1-8 alarms in medical electrical equipment.
The objective of the study was to examine pilots' automation monitoring strategies and performance on highly automated commercial flight decks. ⋯ The findings from this research can inform the design of improved training programs and automation interfaces that support more effective system monitoring.
We report three experiments evaluating the proposal that highlighting sections of drug names using uppercase ("tall man") lettering and/or color may reduce the confusability of similar drug names. ⋯ The use of tall man letters could be applied in a variety of visual presentations of drug names--for example, by manufacturers on packaging, labeling, and computer software, and in pharmacies on shelf labels. Additionally, this paper demonstrates two meaningful behavioral measures that can be used during product design to objectively assess confusability of packaging and labeling.
Comparative Study
The impact of distraction mitigation strategies on driving performance.
An experiment was conducted to assess the effects of distraction mitigation strategies on drivers' performance and productivity while engaged in an in-vehicle information system task. ⋯ These strategies can be incorporated into existing in-vehicle systems, thus mitigating the effects of distraction and improving driver performance.