Zh Vyssh Nerv Deyat+
Zh Vyssh Nerv Deyat+ · May 2015
[Association between the 5-HTTLPR Polymorphism of Serotonin Transporter Gene and EEG in Young and Postmenopausal Women].
Effect of ovarian steroids on serotonin neurotransmission suggests that the modulating effect of polymorphisms of the serotonin transporter gene on brain activity in women may change with age related changes in hormonal status. Objective of the study was to identify relationships between 5-HTTLPR polymorphism of the serotonin transporter gene and characteristics of baseline EEG in healthy young women (19-35 years, N = 85) and in women in post menopause (55-80 years, N = 44). ⋯ S'/L' genotype was characterized by higher beta 1 rhythm power in elderly compared with young women. These results demonstrate the difference in the neurophysiological mechanisms of age-related changes in brain activity which are associated with the polymorphism of 5-HTTLPR.
Zh Vyssh Nerv Deyat+ · Sep 2010
[Corvidae are able to understand the logical structure in string-pulling tasks].
The ability of the Corvidae to understand the logical structure in string-pulling tasks was studied in a set of experiments with varied position of strings. It was demonstrated that some hooded crows (Corvus cornix L.) and common ravens (Corvus corax L.) successfully completed the tasks where the strings were not intersected but placed so that the bait was positioned opposite the forepart of the empty string. ⋯ The task with two intersected strings where the bait was positioned opposite the forepart of the empty string was not solved by the crows. The results suggest the ability of both examined species to grasp the logical structure of such kind of tasks.
Zh Vyssh Nerv Deyat+ · Jan 2010
[Effect of selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor fluoxetine on symptoms of depression-like behavior in WAG/Rij rats].
A possibility to correct behavioral symptoms of depression-like behasior in WAG/Rij rats with selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor antidepressant drug fluoxetine was studied. The efficacy of fluoxetine was compared with that of tricyclic antidepressant imipramine. Vehicle-treated WAG/Rij rats compared with the corresponding group of Wistar rats exhibited symptoms of depression-like behavior: a decreased level of exploratory activity and grooming reactions in the open field test, increased immobility in the forced swimming test, and decreased sucrose intake and preference (anhedonia). ⋯ During treatment, worsening ofbehavioral characteristics was seen not only in "normal" Wistar rats but to an even greater degree in "depressive" WAG/Rij rats. Fluoxetine caused worsening of some behavioral characteristics only in "normal" Wistar rats. In "depressive" WAG/Rij rats, the therapeutic effect offluoxetine developed earlier than that of imipramine and was not accompanied by an adverse side effect on behavior of animals.
Zh Vyssh Nerv Deyat+ · Jan 2009
[The electrode for selective nociceptive stimulation: use experience and prospect for application in nociception studies in a human].
Electrode for selective nociception specific stimulation was described by H. Kaube et al. in 2000. The aim of this work was to test this electrode in assessment of nociceptive reactions of the segmental and suprasegmental levels. ⋯ The dominance of the late components (100-300 ms) considered to be of nociceptive origin was revealed in the pattern of evoked potentials. Thus, the electrode assures a high degree of selectivity of the pain-specific stimulation. Its adaptation for assessment of various nociceptive reactions can perfect the neurophysiological methods of nociception studies.
Zh Vyssh Nerv Deyat+ · Jan 2009
[Functional asymmetry in human background spatial EEG-organization].
Researched features of the spatial organization of the brain cortex biopotentials (SOB) for 143 subjects in the age of from 20 till 45 years, in which topographical maps there were different forms of asymmetry with dominance of focuses of maximum biopotential correlations in the following zones: 1) in right hemisphere, 2) in left hemisphere, 3) in frontal areas, 4) in occipital area, 5) in the left, frontal area and right occipital, 6) in right frontal area and left occipital. From 679 1.5-2-mm EEG fragments variant 1 met at 8.39 of % of cases, variant 2--at 12.22 of %, variant 3--at 8.39 of %, variant 4--at 5.62 of %, variant 5--at 15.46 of %, variant 6--at 12.37 of %. ⋯ Relative analysis of parameters SOB at the different forms of asymmetry: spatial synchronization (linear processes), spatial disorder (nonlinear processes), coherence and spectral power of bioponentials, and also relationship of coherence and spectral power ("informational - energetic" parameter, reflecting degree expenses of a brain realization of information processes, has revealed authentic differences). The obtained data are considered from the point of view of reflectance in parameters of asymmetry background SOB the variability of the functional state of the man, level of consciousness and "cost" of information processes.