Brit J Hosp Med
Mesothelioma is an aggressive cancer, for which no curative oncological treatment currently exists. This article outlines the options for managing malignant pleural effusions, describes the developments in chemotherapy over the past 10 years and summarizes the evidence for prophylactic and palliative radiotherapy.
The main role of early phase clinical trials in cancer is to determine the dose to take forward for future clinical study. However, study design is changing in order to account for the change in focus of drug development toward molecularly targeted agents.
Chronic moist cough in children can be associated with serious pathologies. Protracted bacterial bronchitis remains a clinical diagnosis causing persistent moist cough, disturbed sleep, exercise intolerance and significant levels of morbidity. Management involves minimal investigations and prolonged courses of antibiotics.
Leadership is a skill to be developed by all doctors from the foundation trainee to the director of the board. This article explores the impact of leadership style on performance and considers techniques to develop doctors' leadership skills and personal effectiveness.