Polski merkuriusz lekarski : organ Polskiego Towarzystwa Lekarskiego
Pol. Merkur. Lekarski · May 2011
Review[Effectiveness and tolerance of antibiotics in pediatrics patients].
Antibiotics represent the most widely prescribed therapeutic agents. Preschool children being most exposed to antibiotic drugs, especially in the community setting. ⋯ Early antibiotic exposure, especially to broad-spectrum antibiotics, may suppress the developing immune system and produce a reduced anti-allergic response. Early antibiotic use in children is associated with an increased risk for asthma.
Pol. Merkur. Lekarski · Apr 2011
Case Reports[Nonoperative management of spontaneous splenic rupture in infectious mononucleosis].
Spontaneous splenic rupture is a rare complication of infectious mononucleosis observed in 0.1-0.5% of patients with this condition. Mandatory mode of management in hemodynamically stable patients is nonoperative treatment. We report the case of a 19-year old man with splenic rupture, during the course of serological and hematological confirmed infectious mononucleosis, with no history of trauma. Parenchymal and subcapsular splenic hematomas and presence of blood in vesico-rectal recess was demonstrated. Circulatory and respiratory findings and blood cell count were stable. Nonoperative management was instituted which comprised monitoring of valid vital signs, serial USG and tomography scans and vital activity limitation. Imaging radiological investigations demonstrated disappearance of observed abnormalities on post admission day 20. The patient was discharged from the hospital in good general condition. ⋯ Nonoperative management can be a safe alternative to splenectomy in hemodynamically stable patient with spontaneous rupture of the spleen.
Pol. Merkur. Lekarski · Apr 2011
[The cyclin A, B1, D1 and E expression in advanced non-small cell lung cancer--stages IIIB-IV (preliminary report)].
Lung cancer is the leading cause of cancer death in the majority of developed countries. Uncontrolled cell proliferation is the hallmark of malignant tumours. Cyclins play an important role in cell cycle regulation. The aim of this study was to evaluate the expression of cyclins A, B1, D1 and E in advanced non-small cell lung cancer (stages IIIB-IV) with its prognostic significance. ⋯ We did not observe prognostic value of cyclins A, B1, D1 or E expression in advanced non-small cell lung cancer.
Pol. Merkur. Lekarski · Mar 2011
Review[Potentially pathogenic changes in red blood cells during their storage].
Blood fractionation and storage improve the availability of blood products, e.g., packed red blood cells (RBCs) for transfusion. But the following question appears: how long-stored RBCs are safe and effective? In many clinical retrospective studies authors indicated risk of transfusion of stored RBCs, especially in critically ill patients eg. with acute myocardial infarction syndrome. They observed higher frequency of mortality, morbidity, infections, renal and lung failure, inflammation and thrombosis when RBC units were long-stored and non-leucoreduced than when they were fresh and leucoreduced. ⋯ Changes involve some membrane molecules associated with adhesion, oxygen transport, complement regulation during the storage of RBCs. It is interesting how the long-period storage and presence of WBCs can influence the membrane surface of RBCs and then their biological functions. Proposed study can improve our knowledge about changes in RBCs during their storage and then may be safety of blood transfusion.
Pol. Merkur. Lekarski · Mar 2011
Review[Prophylaxis in patients with haemophilia complicated by inhibitors].
The occurrence of factor VIII or factor IX inhibitor following treatment of a haemophilia A or B patient with factor VIII/IX concentrates is a serious complication. In the presence of these inhibitors, bleeds cannot be treated with the missing factors. The treatment of haemophilia complicated by the presence of inhibitor has two aims. ⋯ The concentrates used are called bypassing agents. If ITI is unsuccessful regular prophylaxis with bypassing concentrates is being introduced more and more often. According to literature this reduces the frequency of bleeds by as much as 85% and improves the quality of life of patients with severe haemophilia complicated by inhibitor.