Conference proceedings : ... Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society. IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society. Annual Conference
Conf Proc IEEE Eng Med Biol Soc · Jan 2008
Epidural insertion simulator of higher insertion resistance & drop rate after puncture.
Accidents such as dural puncture remain one of the problems of epidural anesthesia, and unskilled doctors can repeat such accidents. The purpose of the current research was to provide a new simulator for epidural insertion training. No reference data regarding the resistance force used when inserting a needle into patients have been reported. ⋯ The insertion resistances were 2.5 N/s for the porcine, 0.8 N/s for the conventional and 2.1 N/s for the new simulator. The drop rates were 5 N/s for the porcine, 0.6 N/s for the conventional and 24 N/s for the new simulator. The higher insertion resistance and drop rate for the new simulator than the conventional simulator will be suitable for epidural insertion training.
Conf Proc IEEE Eng Med Biol Soc · Jan 2008
Monitoring retroperitoneal bleeding model of piglets by electrical impedance tomography.
To investigate continuous monitoring capacity of electrical impedance tomography (EIT) for retroperitoneal bleeding, studies were carried out on six anesthetized piglet's bleeding model produced by injecting anticoagulated blood into renal region. For each subject, total blood of about 200 ml was injected within time periods ranging from tens of minutes to several hours. ⋯ EIT images were reconstructed by dynamic back-projection algorithm. The results showed that impedance changes caused by bleeding could be revealed by EIT images.
Conf Proc IEEE Eng Med Biol Soc · Jan 2008
Wireless application in intravenous infiltration detection system.
The IrDA wireless protocol has been applied to a fiber optics based point-of-care system for the detection of intravenous infiltration. The system is used for monitoring patients under infusion therapy. ⋯ The PDA is used for initiating the actions of the electronic module and for data transfer. Security is provided by specially designed software and hardware.
Conf Proc IEEE Eng Med Biol Soc · Jan 2008
Comparative StudyK-space and image space combination for motion artifact correction in multicoil multishot diffusion weighted imaging.
Motion during diffusion encodings leads to phase errors in different shots of a multishot acquisition. Phase differences in k-space data among shots result in phase cancellation artifacts in the reconstructed image. ⋯ We introduce a new k-space and image-space combination (KICT) method for motion artifacts cancellation that avoids incomplete phase error correction. Further, the method preserves the phase of the object, which is important for parallel imaging applications.
Conf Proc IEEE Eng Med Biol Soc · Jan 2008
Comparative StudyPerformance evaluation of three methods for respiratory signal estimation from the electrocardiogram.
A comparative study of three methods for estimating respiratory signal through electrocardiogram (ECG) was carried out. The three methods analyzed were based on R wave area, R peak amplitude and heart rate variability (HRV). For each method, cross-correlation coefficient and spectral coherence in a range of frequencies up to 0.5 Hz were computed between the ECG derived respiratory signals (EDR) and the three real respiratory signals: oronasal, and two inductance plethysmographies recordings (chest and abdominal). Results indicate that EDR methods based on R wave area and HRV are better correlated and show a wider spectral coherence with real respiratory signals than the other EDR method based on R peak amplitude.