Articles: pain-clinics.
A central antinociceptive effect of calcitonin has been well established in animal experiments. Owing to the lack of appropriate studies, however, a final judgement cannot be made regarding the value of calcitonin in pain therapy. Positive clinical experiences have been reported in the following cases. (1) In isolated osseous tumor pain and in pain caused by tumorous infiltration of peripheral nerve tissue or acute malignant transverse lesions of the spinal cord (with paraplegia), calcitonin can be a suitable supplement to opiate therapy. (2) In algodystrophy calcitonin can be administered in addition to physical therapy. ⋯ Dangerous side-effects have not been reported to date. However, dose-dependent side-effects occur frequently, which the patients often consider very distressing. The disadvantages and the "escape" phenomenon that occur during longterm use restrict the value of calcitonin as an analgesic.
Migraine is more than the pain involved in the "migraine attack." Before the onset of pain many clinical symptoms can be observed. These symptoms may be classified as vegetative, affective, and vascular. Brain perfusion is altered during migraine attacks as well as during the intervals between attacks. ⋯ It may be assumed that platelet serotonin is a potent vasoregulating substance that may interact in the brain vessels with the neurotransmission controlled perfusion. The hypothesis of an (inborn) instability of the interaction of cerebral neurotransmission systems in patients suffering from migraine is in accordance with the vegetative and affective symptoms in migraine, the observed imbalance of neurotransmission mediated cerebrovascular autoregulation and the irritation of platelets in migraine attacks, as well as in the interval between attacks. The "modern" treatments of migraine with acetylsalicylic acid, ergotamin and/or beta blockers are discussed in relation to this proposed hypothesis of a migraine pathophysiology.
In pain clinics, thorough documentation of patient-related data is essential for analysis of patient history, long-term evaluation of diagnostic and therapeutic procedures, and research on the etiology and epidemiology of chronic pain syndromes. With these requirements in mind, we realized a microcomputer documentation system based on a commercial data-base software concept (dBASE). Each patient's data are stored in three different sections: data for identification, basic data (mainly diagnostic findings), and treatment related follow-up data. ⋯ The microcomputer documentation system offers listings for administration as well as effective patient scheduling thanks to a recall system by date of last contact, selected therapeutic procedures and any other item in the medical record. A mail-merge service can be applied, which is particularly useful for follow-up-studies. The documentation system means routine work can be standardized and performed in an economical manner, with the ultimate aim of enhancing the quality of pain therapy.
This epidemiological questionnaire-study of 362 patients suffering from chronic pain related to musculoskeletal disorders showed the following results: Most musculoskeletal pain syndromes are located in the head and back areas (57.3%). Patients who seek treatment in an orthopedic pain clinic suffer from at least moderate pain according to the verbal rating scale and from pain equal too or more than 50 on to the numeric rating scale. For most patients (51.9%) the duration of the pain has been between 1 and 10 years. ⋯ Most patients with chronic pain consult 2 to 6 doctors. For typical orthopedic pain syndromes most patients consult an orthopedist. Patients with chronic headaches consult an orthopedic specialist about as frequently as neurologist or internist specialist.
Tursky's pain perception profile [16] has been revised and adapted for use in German-speaking conditions, and this new modification is presented. It integrates six different methods of clinical and experimental methods of clinical and experimental pain measurement, which are intended to meet the enhanced demands put forward in pain research for multivariate measurement of pain by a variety of methods. ⋯ The results document the many aspects of chronic pain and the necessity for multimodal measurement. In addition, they supply a means of achieving a better pain-related classification of pain patients on an experimental basis.