Articles: anesthetics.
Randomized Controlled Trial Multicenter Study
Patient Priority Weighting of the Roland Morris Disability Questionnaire Does Not Change Results of the Lumbar Epidural Steroid Injections for Spinal Stenosis Trial.
Secondary analysis of lumbar epidural steroid injections for spinal stenosis randomized controlled trial data. ⋯ 2.
Randomized Controlled Trial Multicenter Study
Tetrodotoxin for Moderate to Severe Cancer-Related Pain: A Multicentre, Randomized, Double-Blind, Placebo-Controlled, Parallel-Design Trial.
This study evaluated subcutaneous injections of tetrodotoxin (TTX) for the treatment of moderate to severe, inadequately controlled cancer-related pain. ⋯ Although underpowered, this study demonstrates a clinically important analgesic signal. TTX may provide clinically meaningful analgesia for patients who have persistent moderate to severe cancer pain despite best analgesic care. This clinical study is registered with (NCT00725114).
Multicenter Study Comparative Study Observational Study
Determination of loss of consciousness: a comparison of clinical assessment, bispectral index and electroencephalogram: An observational study.
Computer-processed algorithms of encephalographic signals are widely used to assess the depth of anaesthesia. However, data indicate that the bispectral index (BIS), a processed electroencephalography monitoring system, may not be reliable for assessing the depth of anaesthesia. ⋯ This trial was not registered because registration was not mandatory at the time of the trial.
Randomized Controlled Trial Multicenter Study Comparative Study
Effect of endovenous lidocaine on analgesia and serum cytokines: double-blinded and randomized trial.
This trial aimed to compare postoperative analgesia, opioid consumption, duration of ileus and hospital stay, and cytokine levels in patients undergoing laparoscopic cholecystectomies who received intravenous lidocaine in comparison with a control group. ⋯ Intravenous lidocaine was not able to reduce postoperative pain, opioid consumption, and duration of ileus or length of hospital stay. However, its anti-inflammatory effect was noticeable.
Randomized Controlled Trial Multicenter Study Observational Study
A multicenter study of the analgesic effects of epidural chloroprocaine after lower limb orthopedic surgery.
To investigate the effects and optimal concentration of chloroprocaine for epidural analgesia after lower limb orthopedic surgery. ⋯ Epidural 1.2% chloroprocaine with 0.4μg/mL fentanyl could generate proper analgesic effects with little influence on mobility in patients undergoing lower limb orthopedic surgery. In addition, it could generate a good sense and movement separation, facilitating the early functional training.