Difficult and/or failed intubation occurs in ~1 in 200 general anaesthetics, more commonly with emergency surgery, obesity, increased morbidity and with neuro or endocrine surgery.
A high proportion (15%) of UK maternity healthcare workers have seroconverted to SARS-CoV-2 without a known COVID diagnosis. 36% were asymptomatic and 59% had not self-isolated.
Oral carbohydrate consumption during labour did not alter the rate of instrumental delivery or cesarean section, vomiting incidence, nor self-reported hunger, thirst, fatigue, stress or overall well-being.
Intraoperative pupillometry monitoring is a feasible surrogate for nociception assessment, resulting in both lower intraoperative remifentanil consumption and lower peak post-operative pain.
After out-of-hospital cardiac arrest patients experience differences in duration of CPR, chest injury, return of circulation and survival, depending on time of day.