Der Schmerz
Chronic pain results in structural and functional changes of the brain. However, most of the neurophysiologic and imaging studies have been conducted with small sample sizes, some have been reproduced, but studies on larger populations are lacking. Larger epidemiologic studies are currently being performed to show specific structural changes due to chronic pain. ⋯ Most methods are very complex, which hampers their application in daily practice. But it is not only the complexity of methods, but also a lack of interaction between researchers and practitioners to formulate joint research topics and targets. This article tries to fill the gap between the practicing pain therapist and the researcher in summarizing neurophysiological and imaging results on neuropathic and chronic pain in a clear and simple manner.
Neuropathic pain is the result of a lesion or disease of the somatosensory system in the peripheral or central nervous system. Classical trigeminal neuralgia and posttraumatic trigeminal neuropathy are pain disorders which oral and maxillofacial surgeons and dentists are confronted with in the differential diagnostics in routine daily practice. The etiopathogenesis of classical trigeminal neuralgia is attributable to pathological blood vessel-nerve contact in the trigeminal nerve root entry zone to the brain stem. ⋯ The neuropathic mechanism of posttraumatic trigeminal neuropathy originates from nerve damage, which leads to peripheral and central sensitization with lowering of the pain threshold and multiple somatosensory disorders. The prophylaxis consists of avoidance of excessive acute and long-lasting pain stimuli. Against the background of the biopsychosocial pain model, the treatment of posttraumatic trigeminal neuropathy necessitates a multimodal, interdisciplinary concept.
Review Meta Analysis
[Cannabinoids in palliative care : Systematic review and meta-analysis of efficacy, tolerability and safety].
Cannabinoids have multiple medical indications in palliative care, such as relief of pain or nausea or increase of appetite and weight stabilisation. The value of cannabinoids for these indications is not resolved sufficiently for palliative patients. A systematic review with meta-analysis of the efficacy, tolerability and safety on the basis of randomised controlled studies (RCT) or randomised open label or crossover studies has not yet been conducted. ⋯ Cannabinoids can lead to an increase in appetite in patients with HIV wasting syndrome but the therapy with megestrol acetate is superior to treatment with cannabinoids. The included studies were not of sufficient duration to answer questions concerning the long-term efficacy, tolerability and safety of therapy with cannabis or cannabinoids. Due to the sparse amount of data it is not possible to recommend a favoured use of cannabis or cannabinoids at this point.
In the absence of an ideal treatment for chronic pain associated with rheumatic diseases, there is interest in the potential effects of cannabinoid molecules, particularly in the context of global interest in the legalization of herbal cannabis for medicinal use. ⋯ Currently, there is insufficient evidence for recommendation for any cannabinoid preparations for symptom management in patients with chronic pain associated with rheumatic diseases.
[Efficacy, tolerability, and safety of cannabinoids in gastroenterology : A systematic review].
The medical use of cannabis is discussed in gastroenterology for inflammatory bowel diseases (IBD), irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), and chronic pancreatitis. ⋯ Cannabis may be useful for symptom relief in Crohn's disease such as pain, nausea, and loss of appetite. However, studies with high methodological quality, sufficient sample size, and study duration are mandatory to determine potential therapeutic effects and risks of cannabis in gastroenterology. Currently, use of tetrahydrocannabinol to alleviate symptoms such as pain and appetite loss in Crohn's disease should only be considered in individual patients after failure of established medical therapies and only after careful risk-benefit assessment.